lao_tzu_tao te ching in italiano01-20道德经意大利语版 2017-04-07 10:29:0016:33107 所属专辑:老子道德经意大利语版 声音简介 老子道德经的意大利语版1-20章(女生读诵) 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 Binglingua 38256
About sixty years ago Frank and Evans showed, by entropy measurements, that when a "non-polar molecule dissolves in water it modifies the water structure in the direction of greater 'cristallinity', the water builds a microscopic iceberg around it" Now, we propose the "concept of ice-like-...
Cette liberté n’implique pas l’absence de règles, limites ou interdits.Nous accueillerons l’enfant sans jamais oublier les parents, c’est pourquoi nous leurs accordons une place importante au sein de notre petite famille.Nous parlons, français, portugais, italien. Crèche mes...
情景会话(无大碍)1.Che malattia ho?我得了什么病? 2.Niente di grave. Ha preso un insolazione.没什么严重的,您中暑了。3.Adesso sono tranquillo. Ho bisogno delle medicine? 这下我安心了,我需要吃药吗?4.No. basta restare a letto e riposare. 不,只需要卧床休息。
“Covid-19 accelera l’avanzamento della Cina in un mondo più... LA MAFIA SILENTE Giovanni Lippa – Era una situazione differente: come... International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) Monitoraggio capillare per la difesa delle infrastrutture critiche… Il Generale Paolo I...
Located in its middle part, the southern ardèche preserves remains of this activity. The saint-remèze plateau and ardèche canyon offered shelters and resources to the populations which lived since 350 ka. Caves and rock shelters are traps which allowed to preserve sediments and archaeological ...
Il Covid grave ti fa invecchiare 20 anni Cosa sta succedendo col Covid-19 a Shanghai? Chi ha paura dei cinema? Covid-19, la lezione di Cuba La Cina, il Covid e la sorveglianza Che aspetto avrà la vittoria contro il Covid-19 I microaghi per farsi il vaccino da solo Perchè a...
In this paper we consider Fourier multipliers for $L^p$ $(p>1)$on Chébli-Trimèche hypergroups and establish a version of Hörmander's multiplier theorem. As applications we give some results concerning the Riesz potentials and oscillating multipliers.doi:10.1112/S0024611500012326Bloom, Walter R...
E. A. HoltgraveHoltgrave EA. Die osteoplastische Versorgung des Kieferspaltes—ein Fortschritt für die kieferorthopädische Behandlung des Spaltpatienten? Fortschr Kieferorthop. 1991;52:237–244.Holtgrave, EA (1991) Die osteoplastische Versorgung des Kieferspaltes—ein Fortschritt für die ...
Molar microwear data suggest that these Neanderthals did not differ significantly from modern in terms of the fracture properties of the food they were consuming. The incisor microwear and macro striations provide evidence that these individuals may have been using their anterior teeth as tools, ...