The Canterbury Tales 作者:Geoffrey Chaucer(杰弗雷·乔叟)著;A. Kent编;Constance Hieatt编 出版社:Random House 出版时间:1982-02 版次:1 ISBN:9780553210828 定价:25.60 装帧:平装 开本:32开 纸张:胶版纸 页数:421页 正文语种:英语 内容简介: Lively,absorbing,oftenoutrageouslyfunny,Chaucer'sTheCanterburyTales...
The Canterbury Tales ( )written by Chaucer. 问题1选项 A. has been B. were C. was D. had been 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 [答案]C [解析]句意:坎特伯雷故事集是乔叟写的。 语法题。考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语为The Canterbury Tales(一本书),后面又有关键信息written by Chaucer,所以谓语动词...
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales: The Merchant’s Tale 1 The Merchant’s Tale Geoffrey Chaucer ❦ The Prologue of the Merchant’s Tale “About weeping and wailing 1 , care and sorrow, I know plenty,” said the Merchant, “both day and night, and so do others who are wedded, I...
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales. . 1998E llis S. Chaucer: The Can terbury T ales[ M ]. L ondon: A ddison W esley L ongm an L im ited, 1998.Ellis S.Chaucer:The Canterbury Tales[M].London: Addison Wesley Longman Limited,1998....
名称:TheCanterburyTales(CollinsClassics)[坎特伯雷故事集]作者:Geoffrey Chaucer品相:九品出版时间:2012-01装订:平装ISBN:9780007449446出版社:HarperCollinsUK页数:192页 相似商品为你推荐孔网分类孔网特色外文古旧书(7) 图书艺术(4195) 文学(3738) 综合性图书(3515) 历史(2824) 工程技术(2065) 经济(1918) 医药卫生...
内容提示: Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales: The Shipman’s Tale 1 The Shipman’s Tale Geoffrey Chaucer ❦ Here begins the Shipman's Tale At St. Denis there once dwelt a merchant, who was rich and therefore men deemed him wise. His wife was of excellent beauty and loved company ...
masterpiece was The Canterbury Tales, greatly influenced the development of English 2 . But he was known, in his long career, 3 a civil servant under the English kings Edward Ⅲ and Richard Ⅱ. Chaucer married Philippa Roet, who was 4 ...
内容提示: Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales: The Merchant’s Tale 1 The Merchant’s Tale Geoffrey Chaucer ❦ The Prologue of the Merchant’s Tale “About weeping and wailing 1 , care and sorrow, I know plenty,” said the Merchant, “both day and night, and so do others who are...