解决方法:刷新一下网页即可、换个节点、或者换个时间段登录。11、Your account has been blocked aftermultiple consecutive login attempts 出现Your account has been blocked aftermultiple consecutive login attempts,意思是您的帐户在多次连续登录尝试后被阻止 解决方法:点击忘记账户密码,重新设置一下密码,然后登录...
1.确保您使用的是正确的登录凭据 在进入复杂的方法之前,请确保您输入了正确的电子邮件地址和密码以登录。与所有其他网络服务一样,ChatGPT 也会在您键入时隐藏密码,使其更容易出错。您必须检查大写锁定/数字锁定是否打开/关闭。如果您输入错误的登录详细信息,您将收到错误消息。因此,检查拼写错误以修复无法登录 Ch...
同样苹果GPT出现your most recent request failed怎么办 来自iPhone客户端126楼2024-03-13 10:31 收起回复 皮皮要变得更好 图灵测试 1 怎么弄呀楼主 145楼2024-03-15 17:01 收起回复 1540663 图灵测试 1 楼主你现在的麦克风对话功能还能正常使用吗?我这边出了点问题,就是点击对话功能后他一直显示listening...
02-20 21:04:55 [ERROR] nonebot | Running Matcher(type='message', module=nonebot_plugin_chatgpt.utils) failed. Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\NBBOOT\FistBot\bot.py", line 17, in nonebot.run() File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\NBBOOT\FistBo...
Though not a perfect analogy, plugins can be “eyes and ears” for language models, giving them access to information that is too recent, too personal, or too specific to be included in the training data. In response to a user’s explicit request, plugins can also enable language models ...
需要将报错信息继续贴给 GPT。其中 报错中的 send_email 函数中的("your-sina-email@sina.com", "receiver@example.com")要填写你实际的邮箱地址,前者为发件箱地址,后者为收件箱地址。 1、提示词 实现了翻译,但是报错了 import sys; print('Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)) ...
Recent SubmitsDescription Social SearchBy say-apps on 2024-06-02 The Social Search provides access to tweets, users, followers, images, media and more.social twitter x search SpaceBy automateyournetwork on 2024-05-12 Space data including NASA.space nasa Search1APIBy fatwang2 on 2024-05-06 ...
While AI has made significant advancements in recent years, it still has limitations and is not a substitute for human intelligence and decision-making. However, it is a valuable tool that can complement and enhance the work of live agents. By automating routine tasks and providing quick, and ...