So let's get our minds right and finish this week strong.因此,让我们理清思路,强势地结束本周。We start on Capitol Hill, where congressional leaders are deeply concerned with the risks of artificial intelligence, or AI.我们从国会山开始,国会领导人非常关注人工智能或 AI 的风险。Now, with some...
There is a very famous paper called “Attention is All You Need” that changed the landscape of AI. There is a transformer framework on which texts, pictures and videos can be generated by human prompts. Right now, all artificial Intelligence Gene...
We had planned to start rolling this out in alpha to a small group of ChatGPT Plus users in late June, but need one more month to reach our bar to launch. For example, we’re improving the model’s ability to detect and refuse certain content. We’re also working on improving the u...
create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=0, # 模型输出的温度系数,控制输出的随机程度 ) # 调用 OpenAI 的 ChatCompletion 接口 return response.choices[0].message["content"] 二、两个基本原则 原则一:编写清晰、具体的指令 你应该通过提供尽可能清晰和具体的指令来表达您希望模型执行的操作。这将...
Note that in addition to giving the modified content, please also indicate which paragraphs and sentences have been modified in the revised version.注意,除了给出润色修改之后的内容,还请指明修订的版本中具体修改了哪些段落的哪几句话。 15.优化语法 This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise...
We are governed by a non-profit and our activities are driven by our mission and our charter, which commit us to working to ensure the broad distribution of the benefits of AI and to maximizing the safety of AI systems.我们由非营利组织管理, 我们的活动由我们的使命和章程驱动,我们致力于...
We’re sharing our research progress early to start working with and getting feedback from people outside of OpenAI and to give the public a sense of what AI capabilities are on the horizon. 接下来说Sora能够生成具有多个角色、特定运动类型以及主题和背景的准确细节的复杂场景。该模型不仅了解用户的...
ChatGPT isn't perfect, by any means. The way it generates responses — in extremely oversimplified terms, by making probabilistic guesses about which bits of text belong together in a sequence, based on a statistical model trained on billions of exa...
Managing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously: The model performs best when it is given a single task or a goal to focus on. If you request ChatGPT to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, it will have a hard time trying to determine which tasks to focus on, which can result in a decrease in ef...
openai.api_key='xxx'defget_completion(prompt,model="gpt-3.5-turbo"):messages=[{"role":"user","content":prompt}]response=openai.ChatCompletion.create(model=model,messages=messages,temperature=0,#thisis the degreeofrandomnessofthe model's output)returnresponse.choices[0].message["content"] ...