国内有一些基于ChatGPT的口语练习软件,无需FQ,还免费,而且使用场景更符合国人需求,所以虽然有ChatGPT的官方口语对话功能,还是很有必要体验一下国内的App,比如TalkAI。 为了避免没有话可聊,TalkAI内置了很多场景或角色,比如:爱好、求职面试、问路、下午茶、开学第一天等。点击对话—选场景,就可以选择预设好的场景,进入...
通过本期课程,你将与外籍英语母语者交流此话题,了解国外高校学生是怎么看待ChatGPT的,是否已经开始在日常的学习和生活中使用它,通过对话深入了解ChatGPT,积累地道表达,就此展开讨论。当然,你也可以和外教同学进行无主题的free talk~ 「话题讨论/自由交流」:基于第三...
ChatGPT can reduce labor costs and toss innovative ideas into your work mix. But here’s the catch—you’ve got to know how to “talk” to it to make it work its magic. Since its responses are based onnatural language processing(NLP), you need to whisper the right combo of words—co...
非常好用的AI插件,反应速度很快 0 WuTao28.03.2024 TalkX是一款非常好用的应用程序,它不仅界面简洁直观,操作也非常方便快捷。通过TalkX,优化代码方面做的很可以,相比其他类型的gpt优化代码基本满足需求,其他的还需要调整,目前还在用。 0 lixiaopen628.03.2024 TalkX是一款非常好用的应用程序,它不仅界面简洁直观,...
Roboco AI –Powered by ChatGPT, is a free Chat GPT app for Android. When you find yourself longing for someone to talk to, Roboco AI is the perfect companion. It is powered by GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 Turbo API, offering a seamless conversational experience with shortcuts across various ...
所属专辑:AIGC工具和使用方法 声音简介 TalkAI:基于ChatGPT的免费AI英语口语练对话应用 猜你喜欢 599 基于脑的学习 by:梦始于足下 907 基于web的程序设计 by:大脑改造计划 1961 基于BEI的招聘面试技巧 by:HR私享课 2万 基于Au的有声后期基础教程
经常使用 ChatGPT 朋友一定知道,其在回答敏感话题如政治立场、违法犯罪或色情方面无法给出确切答案,这就如同未越狱的 iPhone 功能收到限制相似。但其实我们我可以通过一定手段来开启 ChatGPT 的越狱模式,解锁 AI 回答的伦理道德限制! 关于ChatGPT 越狱 ChatGPT 越狱是指绕过 OpenAI 设定的政策和道德准则,使其能回答...
36 https://promptboom.com/PowerChat/PowerChatTalk 🆓 2024-01-01 37 https://1.bixin123.com 🆓 2023-12-28 38 https://chat.leapgpt.top/ 🆓 2023-11-09 登录码 leap@gpt+ 39 https://hai.dongstop.link/ 🆓 2023-10-19 40 https://zz.aifree.site/ 🆓 2023-10-17 41 ht...
Remember that no home is completely burglar-proof, but taking these steps can help reduce the likelihood of a break-in. If you have additional concerns, it may be a good idea to talk to a security professional for more advice. User ...
Talk-to-ChatGPTis a Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extension that allows users to talk with the ChatGPT AI using their voice (speech recognition), and listen to the bot's answer with a voice (text-to-speech), rather than just by typing. With this tool, users can speak to the AI ...