亚马逊也开始上架许多 AI 写的电子书,或许不久的将来,一线歌手就会改唱ChatGPT 作词作曲的流行乐。 随着ChatGPT 开启生成式 AI 新纪元,市场陆续出现许多类似 ChatGPT 的方案,就让我们一起了解这些方案的能力,或许能找到更符合个人需求的 AI 聊天机器人。 微软AI 支持 Bing 2 月初微软推出全新 AI 支持 Bing 搜索...
Over-relying on AI:While AI tools can be useful, it’s essential not to serve them complex tasks they aren’t built for. Use AI as a tool, not a replacer. Ignoring AI’s Suggestions:At times, AI might suggest prompt changes. These suggestions can be valuable, so be open to revision....
Tell them that you're going to ask ChatGPT (or a similar tool) to summarize what they've been studying. Ask them what they think the bot will say. It'll prompt them to recall knowledge from their memory (which strengthens long-term memory). Plus, when they rank them in importance (b...
Stanford researchers have developed a tool, dubbed as DetectGPT that will help teachers identify content that has been generated using ChatGPT or other similar large language models (LLMs). The researchers have claimed that DetectGPT has an accuracy of ...
At GitLab, ourcommunity and our open source stewardshipare part of our company strategy. Thousands of open source contributors worldwide have helped make GitLab what it is today. We see potential for ChatGPT and similar AI tools, not as a replacement for our community, but a way to make ...
AI工具训练🔥零基础上手20+主流AI工具¥0 免费领取 上完课还有几个挺有帮助的资料可以领取,别忘了! 一、国内可用的ChatGPT类网站 1.渗透智能-ShirtAI 【渗透智能ShirtAI】是一款集成全球大模型全方位的综合类AI产品,包含问答+绘画+PDF对话解析+AI TTS语音等功能!
Alphabet CEOSundar Pichaiand Jeff Dean, the long-time head of Google’s AI division, responded to the question by saying that the company has similar capabilities but that the cost if something goes wrong would be greater because people have to trust the answers they get from Google. ...
Here are five potential legal issues that may arise when using Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language models or other similar AI tools: 1. Copyright infringement: If a language model generates text or content that is based on existing works, it is possible that the generated outp...
You can now disable your chat history on iOS. Conversations started on your device when chat history is disabled won’t be used to improve our models, won’t appear in your history on your other devices, and will only be stored for 30 days. Similar to the functionality on the web, this...
Dr. Ethan Goh, a physician and AI researcher at Stanford Medicine in California, said that patients may benefit from using ChatGPT (or similar AI tools) to help them frame what many doctors know as the ICE method: identifyingideasabout what you think is going on, expressing you...