In this example, we set up the API client with our API key, and then we call the Completion.create method to generate text with GPT-3, using the "davinci" engine and a prompt of "Hello, GPT-3!". The max_tokens parameter specifies the maximum number of tokens in the generated text....
在这里,我们使用你的 API 密钥初始化 OpenAI API。我们还准备了一个输出文件,其中将存储生成的幻灯片内容。文件名基于当前日期和时间,确保它是唯一的。 # Set up the OpenAI APIopenai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") current_datetime ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') output_...
importopenaifromopenaiimportOpenAIimportosimportastfromastimportNodeVisitorimportthreadingimporttime# Set up the OpenAI APIopenai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")classCodeVisitor(NodeVisitor):def__init__(self): self.function_defs = []defvisit_FunctionDef(self, node): self.function_defs.append...
然后,修改src/visual.ts文件,添加必要的导入和一个函数来调用ChatGPT API: import * as axios from'axios'; async function callChatGPTAPI(prompt: string, apiKey: string): Promise<string> { constresponse = await'', {...
访问ChatGPT 开发者平台并点击 Sign up 按钮进行注册。(链接: 按照页面提示依次输入邮箱和密码,然后在页面中填写在上文中所获取到的海外手机号码,接收验证码后即可完成注册。进入控制台后,点击左侧菜单栏的 API keys 选项,然后点 Create new secret key 按钮。
这个提示是当前登录账号已经封禁的意思,说明你的账号已经不能登录官网了,换个号吧。如果你在ChatGPT中文网版插件中使用的apiKey来自于当前账号,则说明apiKey也已经不能用了。 2、OpenAI's services are not available in your country. OpenAI的服务在您的国家/地区不可用。
Acquiring a ChatGPT API key is a fundamental step for developers aiming to integrate the advanced AI capabilities of ChatGPT into their applications. The
$text.'", "max_tokens": 2048 }'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // Set the API key as an HTTP header $headers = array(); $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/json"; $headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer 你的KEY"; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); /...
API keys are task credentials. They’re created by request of a user, and they are bound to that user’s account. When creating or looking up API keys, multi-factor authentication can and should be enforced. An API key is generated by the backend system that’s going to accept it. It...