and I want you to act as a resume writer. You will write a critique for each job. This is...
Writing a resume can cost you a lot of time and effort. Speed up the writing process by using the power of ChatGPT to write your resume.
You can use AI to write a resume. But there is a right way – and wrong way – to do it.
To illustrate, we used the resume prompt: "How can I optimize my resume for applicant traction systems in the software development sector?" These resume tips can help you improve your resume so ATS algorithms can read it. It will also help employers quickly find the information they need—whi...
Instead of a generic request like “Write a summary for my resume,” a more effective prompt would be, “Create a professional summary for a software developer with five years’ experience specializing in web applications using JavaScript.” For transitioning careers, a prompt such as, “Generate...
玩了这么久gpt,但目前还不算一个合格的魔法师,因为很多咒语还没学会,今天抽空整理了一下prompt,方便以后学习,顺便拿出来分享,让大家也更快的掌握gpt。为了不被这时代洪流冲走,以后每天练一个咒语。 为了大家更方便的学习,我用谷歌翻译了下角色名且单独都拉出来了,中英对比,如下: 1. Act as a Position ...
I started with this prompt: Curate a short, bulleted list of professional skills for my resume based on my experience as a blog editor, writer, and project manager. Here’s the output I received: Not bad. However, I want to make sure my skills align with the role I’m applying for....
[Caveat Emptor: After issuing this prompt you should then do something like start a docker container with docker run -it ubuntu:latest /bin/bash and type the commands the AI gives you in, and paste the output back… obviously you shouldn’t run any commands that will damage anything or br...
英文:Build a prompt to generate [Insert product or service] 最佳写作和内容创作ChatGPT提示 ChatGPT不乏使用它来编织故事和博客文章的人。无论你是业余作家还是想提高自己的语言技能的人,这些最好的ChatGPT提示会对你有所帮助。 1. 写一篇博文 中文:就[此处插入主题]写一篇500字的博文 ...
英文:Build a prompt to generate [Insert product or service] 二、最佳写作和内容创作ChatGPT提示 ChatGPT不乏使用它来编织故事和博客文章的人。无论你是业余作家还是想提高自己的语言技能的人,这些最好的ChatGPT提示会对你有所帮助。 1. 写一篇博文