《The Natural Language Decathlon:Multitask Learning as Question Answering》,GPT-1、GPT-2论文的引用文献,Salesforce发表的一篇文章,写出了多任务单模型的根本思想 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition,ResNet论文,短短9页,Google学术被引现15万多这是李沐针对ResNet的解读,另 这是李沐针对一些paper的解...
input_data=pdf_text instruction="What are the main findings of this paper?" response = get_llm_response(input_data, instruction) print("LLM Response:\\n",str(response)) ##参考https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1AVh9dOsG9DKzfK7gOFrJuitPIcLPqlbO?usp=sharing#scrollTo=g8ntQ9CzRQ-q ...
However, there has been little research on the potential dangers that a sophisticated chatbot such as ChatGPT poses in the realm of higher education, particularly through the lens of a systematic literature review and bibliometric techniques. In this light, this paper explores the literature on the...
Paper with DatasetTask#Examples How Close is ChatGPT to Human Experts? Comparison Corpus, Evaluation, and Detection QA + Dialog 40,000 ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none 25 classification/ QA/reasoning task 38,000 Can ChatGPT Understand Too? A Comparative Study on ChatGPT and Fine...
使用PyPDF2 打开并阅读 PDF 文件。 遍历PDF 文档中的每一页,提取文本。 使用GPT-3.5-turbo 为每个页面的文本生成摘要。 合并摘要并将最终摘要文本保存到文件中。 import PyPDF2 import openai pdf_summary_text = "" 解析pdf pdf_file_path = "./pdfs/paper.pdf" ...
一、ChatPaper论文初筛 ChatPaper,通过ChatGPT实现对论文进行总结,帮助科研人进行论文初筛,可以根据用户输入的关键词,自动在arxiv上下载最新的论文,再利用ChatGPT3.5的API接口强大的总结能力,将论文总结为固定的格式,以最少的文本,最低的阅读门槛,为大家提供最大信息量,以决定该精读哪些文章,也可以提供本地的PDF文档...
4.4. 本地pdf总结: 运行chat_paper.py, 比如: pythonchat_paper.py--pdf_path"demo.pdf" 4.5. 本地文件夹批量总结: 运行chat_paper.py, 比如: pythonchat_paper.py--pdf_path"your_absolute_path" 另外注意,目前这个不支持综述类文章。 B站讲解视频:我把ChatPaper开源了!AI速读PDF论文和速通Arxiv论文 ...
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/using-chatgpt-research-paper-writing-tips-best-pooyan-nayyeri https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10318315/ https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-use-chatgpt-to-do-research-for...
But if you want ChatGPT to summarize a hefty research paper, for example, you may need to break it up. Also, while these models can take in an impressive amount of information, they can output only a maximum of 4,096 tokens (roughly three pages) at a time. "Plausible-sounding but ...
OpenAI https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4-system-card.pdf (2023). Selvi, J. Exploring prompt injection attacks. NCC Group https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/12/05/exploring-prompt-injection-attacks/ (2022). Daryanani, L. How to jailbreak ChatGPT. Watcher Guru https://watcher.guru/news...