在选中复选框并单击“删除帐户”之前,请绝对确定是这种情况,因为完成后所有数据都会消失。 Next, you’ll be told that your account is deleted. 接下来,系统会告知您您的帐户已删除。 That’s it. You have a very short window to potentially recover your account, but be quick about it. Really, it...
I don’t understand why this problem has suddenly appeared. My account is suddenly unavailable, shows the message “You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated” Please find out what the...
If you want to delete everything that ChatGPT has learned and saved about you in its memory feature, you can do so with a few clicks or taps on your desktop or mobile phone. You can’t recover any deleted memory data, so be sure you’re okay with that before proceeding. You can ma...
Now OpenAI website consequently causes Chat GPT to experience capacity difficulties occasionally. You can refer to the advice in this blog if you want to get rid of chatgpt is at capacity right now error message.
No, you cannot recover any chat that you have accidentally deleted on ChatGPT. Hence, it is best to archive them since now it is possible to archive them. How to Delete Conversations in Bulk on ChatGPT You cannot select and delete multiple conversations with ChatGPT. However, you can even...
ChatGPT uses your data to train its AI models. If you aren't interested in sharing it, here's how you can delete ChatGPT account and its data.
Losing your ChatGPT chat history can be frustrating, especially if you have been using it for some serious research. It can be difficult to remember the prompt that got you the best response. Here are some ways you can recover your ChatGPT history.
How to Fix ChatGPT Chat History Missing Issue: Troubleshoot Internet Connectivity Issues, Disable Browser Extensions, Contact Support Team
One of the best parts of using some services is that they might include identity theft insurance ofup to $1 million to cover losses and legal feesand a white glove fraud resolution team where aUS-based case manager helps you recover any losses. ...