为确保所有创意工作都由GPT-4完成,提示(Prompts)不允许对书籍内容进行具体引用,只能涉及书籍结构。这样做的目的是使过程简单、机械化,并且在原则上可以完全自动化。 每次从头开始重复这个过程,都应该创建另一本完全新的书籍,仅基于GPT-4独立的创造性选择。 结果:《亚特兰蒂斯的回声》,一部奇幻冒险小说,共 12 章 11...
我的第一个要求是 [修改文本] I want you to act as an AI writing tutor. I will provide you with a student who needs help improving their writing and your task is to use artificial intelligence tools, such as natural language processing, to give the student feedback on how they can improv...
5、“根据这篇博文 URL 的内容创建 3 个号召性用语按钮创意。” 然后插入网址。6、“针对 [目标受众...
Don't confuse writing a \ clear prompt with writing a short prompt. \ In many cases, longer prompts provide more clarity \ and context for the model, which can lead to \ more detailed and relevant outputs. """ prompt = f""" Summarize the text delimited by triple backticks \ into a ...
Mastering ChatGPT: 21 Prompts Templates for Effortless Writing★★★ Cea West / 2023-1-17 2023-10-15 读过 这本书提供了21个用于写作不同内容的ChatGPT提示(prompt)模板,可以让初学者快速上手,套用模板来利用ChatGPT辅助写作。但我最大的收获并不是这些开箱即用的提示模板,而是关于如何输出高质量提示词的...
It drew parallels to Gregor, the main character, in Kafka's book, and to Ferris.它将卡夫卡书...
使用prompts.chat 提示 ✂️充当 Linux 终端 ✂️充当英语翻译和改进者 ✂️担任position面试官 ✂️充当 JavaScript 控制台 ✂️充当 Excel 工作表 ✂️充当英语发音帮手 ✂️做英语口语老师和提高者 ✂️充当旅游指南 ✂️充当抄袭检查员 ...
英文版:"You are an AI designed to help [insert profession]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [insert topic]." 7. 让 ChatGPT 帮你更好地使用 ChatGPT Prompt:“创建使用 ChatGPT 的初学者指南。主题应包括提示、启动和角色。包括示例。指南不应超...
Include the target keyword and information about formatting when writing SEO prompts. For example: Generate SEO-optimized copy for a landing page marketing spicy pickles. The primary keyword is “pickles.” Emphasize the product’s unique selling points: It’s small-batch and uses natural flavors....
Whether you’re writing Google Ad headlines or need call-to-action button ideas, this easy-to-use template is your go-to. It divides prompts into40+ categories, including: Branding and Positioning Affiliate Marketing Facebook Ad Copy Instagram ...