提升学习效率的CHATGPT提示词超级Prompts指令.pdf,1. PQRST 方法 一种结构化的文本学习方法,包含预览、提问、深读、总结和测试几个环节,可 以有效理解和记忆信息。 Prompt: analyze and comprehend the following topic by applying the PQRST Method (Preview, Question,
nutrition advice, and other relevant factors in order to create a plan suitable for them. My fir...
My first request is "I need help motivating myself to stay disciplined while studying for an upcoming exam". 充当作曲家I want you to act as a composer. I will provide the lyrics to a song and you will create music for it. This could include using various instruments or tools, such as...
16、充当作曲家 I want you to act as a composer. I will provide the lyrics to a song and you will create music for it. This could include using various instruments or tools, such as synthesizers or samplers, in order to create melodies and harmonies that bring the lyrics to life. My f...
I am finding though, that I am utilizing ChatGPT more lately with my studying. Here's how I'm doing it... For coding practice - Using it as a way to find alternate type solutions. Take Ansible as an example. I am going through the blueprint and practicing using traditional resources ...
ChatGPT has a wealth of resources and information and with the right prompts, you can access all of it. This simple process also makes learning fun as it gives students the right support and guidance. With so much at your disposal, students can dive deep into subjects and topics, gaining ...
Using ChatGPT for studying and assignments 1. Generating Summaries You discover a lengthy document that could be pertinent to your assignment. Nevertheless, you cannot afford to spend time reading through the entire document only to find out it is irrelevant. ...
Encourage them to ask ChatGPT for review questions on a specific topic, then have them see if they can get the correct answers. They can use ChatGPT to check when they’re done! Create writing prompts We Are Teachers via ChatGPT
These are all great prompts! Perfect for polishing intermediate / advanced level language skills. The language learning websites should be jumping on this, or someone new is going to leave them in their dust. I think there are some language learning software devs around on this forum, and I...
You can use ChatGPT to learn vocabulary relevant to the topic you’re studying. Create an Spanish–English vocabulary list on the theme of cooking. Sure! Here’s a Spanish-English vocabulary list on the theme of cooking:Spanish: English: ...