Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of [TOPIC] Write a detailed proposal on the foll...
AI写作导师I want you to act as an AI writing tutor. I will provide you with a student who ...
I want you to act as an academic journal editor. Please rephrase the paragraph from an academic angle based on the writing style of the Nature journal: [文章内容] 起标题和缩写 I am writing a scientific paper. Can you help me think a good acronym of thefollowing topic: [一句表述文章工作...
The tool is what our parents considered science fiction. It generatescustom-made answersto specific questions and can take your prompts into account. An unprecedented threat is looming over the conventional system of education in general and independent writing assignments in particular. How can we as...
好用的写作Prompts的github地址: 这份写作提示列表涵盖了一系列主题和任务,包括头脑风暴研究想法,改进语言和风格,进行文献综述,制定研究计划。无论你是学生、研究人员还是学术专业人士,这些提示可以帮助你磨练写作能力,自信地处理写作项目。
I’m writing a paper in the field of [specific discipline, e.g., “bioinformatics”]. How can I convey this idea more academically: [paste your phrase here]? 4.在[特定学科,例如,“天体物理学”]的视野内,我希望增强这个断言:[在此处粘贴您的短语]。什么术语或表达方式会更能与[相关领域或主题...
【ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing:学术写作提示工程实战指南】’ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing - This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans....
If you want to use ChatGPT for your research proposal writing, you can do this for free by creating an account with OpenAI, the company behind the popular tool. Next, you’ll need to effectively apply prompts to ChatGPT that support the structure and direction of the research paper you pr...
扮演我的灵感之神。我在[你的主题]上遇到困难。你能生成一些提示或引导性问题来帮助指导我的写作吗?Act as my muse. I’m struggling with [your topic]. Could you generate some prompts or lead questions to help steer my writing? 作为我的写作障碍的灵感之神。鉴于[主题A,例如,“气候变化”]及其对[...
使用 提示 ✂️充当 Linux 终端 ✂️充当英语翻译和改进者 ✂️担任position面试官 ✂️充当 JavaScript 控制台 ✂️充当 Excel 工作表 ✂️充当英语发音帮手 ✂️做英语口语老师和提高者 ✂️充当旅游指南 ✂️充当抄袭检查员 ...