ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing 这是一个Github上的仓库,非常详细且好用的专门做学术写作的promp...
【ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing:学术写作提示工程实战指南】’ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing - This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans....
好用的写作Prompts的github地址: 这份写作提示列表涵盖了一系列主题和任务,包括头脑风暴研究想法,改进语言和风格,进行文献综述,制定研究计划。无论你是学生、研究人员还是学术专业人士,这些提示可以帮助你磨练写作能力,自信地处理写作项目。 直接使用...
ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing 这是一个Github上的仓库,非常详细且好用的专门做学术写作的prompt[1]。(基本上每个功能都有并列的prompt,排名不分先后,都试试再做决定) 想idea - 头脑风暴BRAINSTORMING Find a research topic for a PhD in the area of [TOPIC] Write a detailed proposal on the foll...
TRY NOW: ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing In this repository, this list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews,...
英文版:Here are 20 effective ChatGPT promptsthat can improve your academic writing skills in just a few seconds Please revise the text to incorporate more formal vocabulary and precise terminology … 生成论文框架/大纲 我是一个XX专业的博士研究生,研究方向是XX,现在要写一篇XX论文,请为我提供5个容易写的选题。 请把第X个选题生成论文摘要,字数500字左右。 请根据以上摘要,查询相关文献,生成论文大纲。
Review this passage for grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here]. 2.审查我的[文件类型,例如,“论文”]中的这一段落是否有语法或风格错误:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。 Review this paragraph from my [type of document, e.g., “thesis”] for grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your...
Review this paragraph from my [type of document, e.g., “dissertation”] for any grammatical or stylistic errors: [paste your text here]. 3.请审阅我关于[具体议题,例如,“可再生能源”]的[文档类型,例如,“论文”]中的这段文字,查找是否有潜在的语法或风格错误:[在此处粘贴您的文本]。
English prompts:“As an academic descriptive writing expert, you are tasked with deeply refining key descriptive passages in the manuscript by adding precise details and clear explanations to enhance the persuasiveness of academic arguments. Ensure that the descriptive content is consistent with the overa...