该文章提出了 OPRO(Optimization by PROmpting), 整体的思路有点像 bootstrapping, 给定一些初始 Prompt,还有目标函数,让大模型作为优化器持续不断的根据最终效果来改进 Prompt。所以这是一个自动挖掘的方法,比人慢慢试要好很多。 最终效果也很显著,挖掘出了比 "Let's think step by step(让我们分步骤来思考)"...
A ChatGPT prompt is shown on a device near a public school in Brooklyn, New York, Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023. New York City school officials started blocking this week the impressive but controversial writing tool that can generate paragraphs of human-like text. (AP Photo/Peter Morgan) By MAT...
Prompt 1 was: "Please write a 300 to 400 word introduction in the style of an ACS journal for an article with this title: (title here)". Prompt 2 also encourages writing in the style of a chemist, but gives the AI model a full (human-written) abstract for inspiration. Prompt 2 was...
ChatGPT Music Prompt 1:Write a chord progression in [key signature]. Result (✅):We get a simple four chord progression, including the notes in each chord and a short description of why it chose those chords. The roman numeral format (I - vi - ii - V) accurately corresponds to the...
Here’s how to do this: First, prompt ChatGPT to generate a list of keywords. Next, input the list into the Keyword Overview tool and click “Search.” Semrush will give you information likekeyword search volume,search intent, andkeyword difficulty. ...
涉嫌用ChatGPT写论文,中国留美博士遭学校开除:怒告校方,要求公开道歉+索赔57.5万美元!整理 | 郑丽媛 如今,各种 AI 生成的图片、小说、视频随处可见,在高校中,也有越来越多学生开始用 AI 工具辅助论文写作。第三方机构“麦可思”曾对 3000 多名高校师生进行过一项调查,结果显示:近六成高校师生每天或者每周...
A more refined prompt for ChatGPT is: “You are a hiring manager. Give me five questions I may be asked in a job interview for an accounting job.” With this prompt, ChatGPT provides a more manageable response with five questions and the reason each one may be asked...
officials this week started blocking the impressive but controversial writing tool that can generate paragraphs of human-like text.The free tool has been around for just five weeks but is already raising tough questions about the future of AI in education,the tech industry and...
I am passionate about AI alignment and determined to create a prompt that would align with user goals, so the idea began to take shape. 背景和动机: Synapse_CoR的产生深深植根于我激励心理学的背景,特别是关于目标设定。另外我对AI对齐充满热情,并决心创建一个与用户目标保持一致,更好地完成任务的...
Lastly, let's get into how to construct a detailed prompt. One note: I limit the answer to 500 words because ChatGPT sometimes breaks when asked to produce somewhere between 500 and 700 words, leaving stories mid-sentence and not resuming properly when asked to continue. I hope future versi...