#这是Midjourney的命令/imagine prompt: PREFIX, SCENE, SUFFIXPREFIX defines the image's medium and styleSCENE defines the contentSUFFIX modulates PREFIX and SCENE 在下一步中,就是要将我们将上下文与ChatGPT如何处理信息的指令结合起来:This is the basic prompt anatomy for image generation with Midjourney...
This is the basic prompt anatomy for image generation with Midjourney: /imagine prompt: PREFIX, SCENE, SUFFIX PREFIX defines the image's medium and style SCENE defines the content SUFFIX modulates PREFIX and SCENE You can group variations in comma-separated lists like this: { PREFIX 1, PREFIX...
生成图像: 1、调用api You will now act as a prompt generator. I will describe an image to you, and you will create a prompt that could be used for image-generation. Once i described the image, give a 5 word summary and then include the following (markdown) = ![Image (https://image...
This is the basic prompt anatomy for image generation with Midjourney: /imagine prompt: PREFIX, SCENE, SUFFIX PREFIX defines the image's medium and style SCENE defines the content SUFFIX modulates PREFIX and SCENE You can group variations in comma-separated lists like this: {PREFIX 1, PREFIX 2...
(style_base以及將style_base翻譯成中文) def image_generation(image_prompt, style_base): final_prompt=請根據[image_prompt]以及[style_base]補充色調、背景描述、具體風格、畫面細節,以及主角小蝌蚪目前的顏色(一開始是黑色)、體型(沒有腳的蝌蚪直接叫做a tadpole即可)、尾巴長短,有幾隻腳必須具體的描述,同時...
(style_base以及將style_base翻譯成中文) def image_generation(image_prompt, style_base): final_prompt=請根據[image_prompt]以及[style_base]補充色調、背景描述、具體風格、畫面細節,以及主角小蝌蚪目前的顏色(一開始是黑色)、體型(沒有腳的蝌蚪直接叫做a tadpole即可)、尾巴長短,有幾隻腳必須具體的描述,同時...
论文标题:NeuroPrompts: An Adaptive Framework to Optimize Prompts for Text-to-Image Generation 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.12229.pdf 该工具可以自动改进简单的输入 prompt,比如「骑马的男孩」,从而得到更好的图像。为此,他们一开始使用了一些人类提示工程专家设计的 prompt。然后训练了一个语言模型来将...
“Generate an image of a sunset over a mountain range with vibrant colors, in the style of Monet.” If you want to modify the image, just revise the prompt. There are some limitations with using ChatGPT for image generation. For example, it’s not ideal for anything that requires precise...
This is the basic prompt anatomyforimage generationwithMidjourney:/imagine prompt:PREFIX,SCENE,SUFFIXPREFIXdefines the image's medium and styleSCENEdefines the contentSUFFIXmodulatesPREFIXandSCENECreate10prompts that illustrate the theme"father-son relationship" ...
I want you to act as a prompt generator. Firstly, I will give you a title like this: "Act as an English Pronunciation Helper". Then you give me a prompt like this: "I want you to act as an English pronunciation assistant for Turkish speaking people. I will write your sentences, and...