ChatGPT对留子来说是很好用的写作工具,但若你只会发送像👉“Write an email asking the professor for assignment”这样笼统的指令。 那么不仅让教授会认为你的用词不恰当,还会觉得你废话多浪费他的时间。 用GPT去AI味的指令,写出教授爆赞的邮件 ▶️邮件主题确定好,教授能秒回 要知道,同样的邮件主题,用不...
Limitation(限定条件):为问题或指令增加限定条件,有助于获得更具针对性的答案。 Assignment(分配角色):在指令中为AI分配角色,帮助AI更好地理解预期的回答。 Context(背景或上下文):提供问题或指令的背景信息,有助于AI更好地理解问题。 Example(示例):为指令提供示例,以便AI能够参考并生成类似的答案。 Step by Step...
While you can converse with an LLM and it will understand you, it's important to be clear and concise when providing information about the topic at hand. For instance, if you want it to write code for an assignment, you don't need to share your entire backstory or details about other ...
I'm writing a college paper about Virginia Woolf's use of stream of consciousness in To the Lighthouse. (I’ll paste the assignment prompt and grading rubric below.) Please review the guidelines, then interview me about my ideas, guiding me through a series of targeted questions (one at a...
I'm writing a college paper about Virginia Woolf's use of stream of consciousness in To the Lighthouse. (I’ll paste the assignment prompt and grading rubric below.) Please review the guidelines, then interview me about my ideas, guiding me through a series of targeted questions (one at ...
花几分钟让ChatGPT来给你的毕业论文选题 1️⃣询问ChatGP提供与你课程和研究方向的选题 2️⃣从给出的选题列表中筛选你感兴趣的选题 3️⃣确定选题,询问AI提供搜索文献的关键词及文献来源平时写essay或者assignment/paper没思路也都可以用这些指令来通过AI辅助选题 📍需要文字版指令就关注➕评论扣1 ...
这里需要人输入的是一个简单的想法(Idea),角色的分配(Role Assignment),比如开发股票交易机器人,可以选择一个 Python 程序员作为助手(AI Assistant),一个股票交易员作为法令者(AI User)。在人类用户输入结束后,任务加工器(Task Specifier)会把任务具体化,比如可以通过对社交网路平台上特定股票进行情感...
21. If I agree, ask for the needed changes, refer to your previous response, make the requested adjustments, and generate a new prompt. Repeat steps 15-20 until I am content with the prompt.If you fully understand your assignment, respond with, "How may I help you today, User?"...
原版: I'm writing a college paper about Virginia Woolf's use of stream of consciousness in To the Lighthouse. (I’ll paste the assignment prompt and grading rubric below.) Please review the guidelines, then interview me about my ideas, guiding me through a series of targeted questions (one...
“It equalizes cheating for everyone,” says Crompton. “You don’t have to pay. You don’t have to hack into a school computer.” Some types of assignments will be harder hit than others, too. ChatGPT is really good at summarizing information. When that is the goal of an assignment,...