midjourney模板:As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting belo...
Now that it’s clear why it’s essential to learn Prompt Engineering to fully realise the capabilities of AI based models, I’ll take you through a range of ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering courses, both free and paid, that will help you harness the power of ChatGPT with mastery and precis...
Prompt 工程师的机会 第二个视频是30分钟的ChatGPT提示工程课程,涵盖了NLP、LLM、AI等基本术语等核心概念、提示用例、需要了解的一些参数,以及成为提示工程师高手的重要技能等等。 【https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBYu5NoXBcs】 4.Prompt Engineering Guide 【https://www.promptingguide.ai/】 最后一个资源...
最近看到一张 Prompt Engineering 的图,差点笑死。 前两个实际上是经过 Google 验证过的咒语,后面的有点段子的味道,但是也并不是完全在开玩笑,也有类似的理论支持。 现在网上到处都是 ChatGPT 的流量密码,比如"99% 的用户都不知道的 ChatGPT 技巧"之类的,实际上大部分都是大家集思广益,各种尝试,试出来的结果。
7,Prompt Engineering Guide 这个项目也是个课程,在GitHub上有3000多星,内容极丰富,绝对不能错过,入口...
Key Principles of Effective Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT 1. Clarity and Specificity: Effective prompts for ChatGPT should be clear and specific. Clarity ensures the model understands the user’s intention, and specificity reduces the risk of vague or irrelevant responses. For example, if you want...
The copy button will copy the prompt exactly as you have edited it. prompts.chat.mov Dark Mode (on https://prompts.chat) We have implemented a dark mode for this repository to enhance your reading experience. The dark mode is implemented using CSS variables and a toggle button. You can...
engineering comes into play prompt 1:43 engineering is the task of finding the 1:45 prompt that gets the best results from 1:48 the AI a prompt engineer will translate 1:50 your ID into words that the AI can 1:53 understand it's a translator between ...
When ChatGPT is given permission to interact with an app like Xcode through a new Work with Apps feature, a selection of code can be sent directly to ChatGPT alongside a prompt. TechCrunc... Read Full Article 25 comments AI Companies Reportedly Struggling to Improve Latest Models Wednesday ...