A prompt for a Large Language Model (LLM) is a text input that initiates a conversation or triggers a response from the model. However, it can be in other forms such as an image or audio. What is prompt engineering? Prompt engineering is the process of designing and optimizing input pro...
1. Best practices for prompt engineering (by OpenAI) 【https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6654000-best-practices-for-prompt-engineering-with-openai-api】 第一个指导资源是最基础但是又最容易忽略的,它是 OpenAI 制作的关于快速工程最佳实践的指南,所以我把它放在列表的首位。 在指南中,你会看到用于Prom...
Here are some best practices for prompt engineering: Define the problem: Clearly define the problem you are trying to solve and the data requirements of the model. This will help you design an effective prompt that provides the necessary context and information to the model. Choose the right mo...
包括谷歌的Generative AI Learning Path (生成式AI学习路径),斯坦福教授AI界大神吴恩达和OpenAI合作的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (面向开发者的ChatGPT提示工程),微软的Azure提示工程课等等。 我们后续都会分享摘要和学习笔记,和大家一起利用好这些免费但是最真材实料的资源。有ChatGPT做超级助教,我们有信...
在这不久之后,OpenAI和吴恩达合作开发了一套针对ChatGPT提示工程的最佳实践课程,课程名为《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》。 随后,OpenAI官方又正式的发布了一份'GPT 最佳实践'指南,可以说是期盼已久。官方出品,必是精品。想快速了解,可以先看看这篇文章:GPT最佳实践 - 提升Prompt效果的六个策略。
他的建议不仅强调了Prompt的精准性,还注重提高用户的整体使用体验。而对于普通用户来说,如何有效地应用这些技术建议,同样是一个需要深入探讨的话题。本文将详细解读Scott Guthrie的洞见,并结合普通用户的实践需求,解析如何在实际操作中精准控制Prompt,以最大化地发挥AI生成工具的潜力。 Prompt engineering Best practices ...
Cutting-Edge Knowledge: The course reflects the latest best practices for prompt engineering, keeping developers at the forefront of AI advancements. Cons Limited Duration: As a short course, some learners might prefer a more in-depth exploration of certain topics related to prompt engineering and ...
再向大家推荐一个可以获取到高质量Prompt的平台:PromptHero(https://prompthero.com)。PromptHero是一个AI提示搜索引擎,用户可以使用它搜索各种AI模型的提示,例如Stable Diffusion、ChatGPT和Midjourney等,里面的Prompt按用户投票和受欢迎程度排名。 技巧5:零样本思维链 ...
There are already many articles about how to prompt ChatGPT and there are some 'best practices' to be learned by experimenting with your approach. Some are even calling itPrompt Engineering, but I think that's overstating it, it's certainly not an engineering discipl...
Dive deep into the principles and best practices of prompt engineering to leverage powerful language models like ChatGPT to solve real-world problems.