I have a ChatGPT Plus Subscription and today I started to create my own GPTs. By doing so, I received this message: “You’ve reached the current usage cap for GPT-4, please try again after…” and a link to “Learn More”. W…
How to avoid the GPT-4 usage cap. Here are our solutions for the "You've reached the current usage cap for GPT-4" error message.
兄弟们,刚开了gpt..1:GPT plus是不是等于GPT42:我是用iphone 订阅开通的,和GPT4聊纪录就提示You have reached the message cap for GPT four, pleas
结果在某天,正和 GPT4 聊的起劲儿呢,遇到下面提示: 诡异的到达使用限制 那么恭喜你,你被限流了。虽然 OpenAI 说 3 小时上限 50 条,但从实际体验来看并不是这样,也没有公开这里限流的具体策略。OpenAI 的论坛上也有很多吐槽You’ve reached the current usage cap for GPT-4, please try again after 2:04 ...
While I’m subscribed to PLUS and I usually only use GPT 3.5. So you pay for less usage and are limited… It doesn’t seem to be because of the IP because I use it on my phone and computer, I’ve logged out and logged back in and it still has the same problem...
具体而言,相比ChatGPT Plus限制用户每三小时可发50条消息,Claude Pro每八小时为一计算周期,还剩10条时会提醒—— 如果你每次发的对话相对较短,那么就能至少发送100条消息。 这个“短”是指每次大约200句英文,每句约15-20个单词。 根据官方截止到本月的统计,Claude上超过2/3的对话都在这个长度之内。
具体而言,相比ChatGPT Plus限制用户每三小时可发50条消息,Claude Pro每八小时为一计算周期,还剩10条时会提醒—— (1)如果你每次发的对话相对较短,那么就能至少发送100条消息。 这个“短”是指每次大约200句英文,每句约15-20个单词。 根据官方截止到本月的统计,Claude上超过2/3的对话都在这个长度之内。
具体而言,相比ChatGPT Plus限制用户每三小时可发50条消息,Claude Pro每八小时为一计算周期,还剩10条时会提醒—— (1)如果你每次发的对话相对较短,那么就能至少发送100条消息。 这个“短”是指每次大约200句英文,每句约15-20个单词。 根据官方截止到本月的统计,Claude上超过2/3的对话都在这个长度之内。 (2)...
We’re excited to bring GPT-4, our latest model, to our ChatGPT Plus subscribers. GPT-4 has enhanced capabilities in: Advanced reasoning Complex instructions More creativity To give every Plus subscriber a chance to try the model, we'll dynamically adjust the cap for GPT-4 usage based on ...
Once again, a limited supply of GPUs and the need to adequately balance server loads might be behind the mandatory usage cap. Notwithstanding, GPT-4 is an exciting and powerful model worth the $20 you'll need to pay for a ChatGPT Plus plan. But what if you don't want to upgrade to...