GPTZero is currently used by over 2.5 million people and more than 100 organizations, including schools and businesses. With an excellent free plan and plenty of upcoming features, it’s a no-brainer for educationists and professionals looking for a versatile AI plagiarism checker on a budget. ...
Check for Plagiarism With Grammarly While your text should be unique when generated with ChatGPT, that's not always true. It's always a good idea to double-check it.Grammarlyis a popular free tool for checking spelling and grammar in written content, and it has a built-in plagiarism check...
On the whole, physician reviewers found the ChatGPT answers entirely adequate. Using a plagiarism checker, the team found that ChatGPT answers were not similar to the answers provided on hospital websites, and they were also largely dissimilar to each other. Nevertheless, the physician r...
Has a built-in plagiarism checker. Jasper cons No free version – only a 7-day trial. Can give false information, like any AI. Requires detailed instructions to create a truly individual voice. Pricing for Jasper $39/month – Creator. ...
Text analysis: Plagiarism Checker; Custom classifiers; Sentiment Analysis; Named-entity Recognition 一组易于使用和尖端的NLP API。常用 API:文本生成 - 重写器/释义器摘要器 将快速而强大的文本分析集成到您的应用程序中。从主题分类到情感分析和实体提取,我们都能满足您的需求。让它在几天内发生,而不是几个...
Tip: To ensure that your text doesn’t contain any plagiarized fragments from the sources, you may run it through ourfree plagiarism checker. And if you need additional clarifications regarding the meaning of complicated passages, feel free to use aquote explainer. ...