AI PDF Summary with Claude 非常好,这个方式是进阶方式,免费且可充分AI问答等;但是不可以化词、定段落总结,同时限制PDF大小为10MB; 要想完美,那就自己做一个PDF总结工具吧 我说下的我思路: 使用插件在ChatGPT内部,实现PDF文件上传,上传后自动读取PDF文本内容,如果仅仅是总结,可设定好Prompt(请总结以下内容,并给...
主要对pdf文档中文本信息进行embedding、检索段落信息、并且根据用户输入与文档信息文本相似分数,得到文本片段信息,设计prompt template, 最终得到基于该文档片段分析的结论。 代码片段 ##搜索文档中相似文本片段defsearch_embeddings(self,df,query,n=3,pprint=True):query_embedding=get_embedding(query,engine="text-embe...
Interview summary: I'm creating a blog post based on an expert interview and need the key points extracted. Summarize the main insights, unique perspectives, and actionable takeaways from this expert interview in [number] words or less. Here's the interview transcript: (Paste interview). Articl...
网页划词:支持网页划词高亮、在线 PDF 高亮、划词翻译、划词分享到 Twitter 👉🏻如何使用【YouTube 视频总结】● 前往 YouTube 网站● 选择您感兴趣的视频● 点击“Transcript”页签,如果视频存在字幕的话,它将向您进行展示转录文字。● 点击“Summary”页签,您可以快速获取视频的摘要,并且在Prom...
How to write an effective ChatGPT article summary prompt When it comes to getting ChatGPT to give you the article summary you actually want, here are two key ways to refine your prompt. 1. Tell it how long the response should be To ensure the summary is short and sweet, add a char...
What makes a ChatGPT prompt good? A good prompt is clear, specific, and includes context about the task or question you want to generate an output for. This can involve using specific words and phrases, uploading a PDF or pasting text into your chat, and using ChatGPT’s memory feature ...
English Prompt: 'Act as an academic research expert. Read and digest the content of the research paper titled [title]. Produce a concise and clear summary that encapsulates the main findings, methodology, results, and implications of the study. Ensure that the summary is written in a manner ...
The synopsis is a concise summary that encapsulates the mainplot pointsof your novel. It helps you understand the flow of your story and ensures that the critical elements align cohesively. You can expand upon your brainstormed premise and ending using a prompt like the following: ...
Prompt: I want you to act as a software developer. I would like to compare the efficiency of two algorithms that performs the same task in Python. Please write code that helps me run an experiment that can be repeated for 5 times. Please output the runtime and other summary statistics of...