甚至其中还包括正式出版的论文合集: 而另一个 ChatGPT 常用句式“As of my Last Knowledge Update”,在相同条件下的搜索结果有 114 条。 而且出现形式上也更加离谱,“Certainly 组”当中至少还有一些只是用 ChatGPT 做了些辅助工作,“As of my…”这一组干脆直接拿来搞正文内容了。 此外,“As an AI language ...
ChatGPT 等 AI 聊天机器人仅仅只有一年多的历史,但特有的 ChatGPT 回答模式被发现出现在很多科学论文之中,显示论文作者在递交论文前没有认真将其清理掉,而审稿人似乎也没有尽责任。在学术搜索引擎 Google Scholar 上搜索短语“As of my last knowledge update”,返回了 115 个结果。该短语被 ChatGPT 用于表示其...
以关键语句“ as of my last knowledge update [截至我最后一次知识更新]”共检索到6篇文章,其中4篇是针对ChatGPT的研究。 以关键语句“I don’t have access to real-time data [我无法访问实时数据]”检索到3篇文章,都是针对ChatGPT或AI的。 同一时期,Dimensions收录了近570万篇研究文章和综述文章。因此,以...
而另一个ChatGPT常用句式“As of my Last Knowledge Update”,在相同条件下的搜索结果有114条。 而且出现形式上也更加离谱,“Certainly组”当中至少还有一些只是用ChatGPT做了些辅助工作,“As of my…”这一组干脆直接拿来搞正文内容了。 此外,“As an AI language model, I”也有40多条搜索结果,不过也不排除...
model”或者“"I don't have access to real-time data”或者“As of my last knowledge update”...
检索“截至我上次知识更新(as of my last knowledge update)”关键词时共有6篇,其中4篇是ChatGPT技术协助下的研究论文。检索“我没有实时数据访问权限(I don’t have access to real-time data)”得到的3篇文章都涉及ChatGPT或AI。在这一时间段内,在Dimensions上共能检索到近570万篇学术论文,包含这三个AI...
The first version, GPT-1, was introduced in 2018, and as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, GPT-4 is the latest version. These models have evolved significantly in terms of size and capabilities. ChatGPT is one of the derivatives of the GPT architecture, and it’s optimized ...
For GPT-4, the last knowledge update occurred in September 2021. The plug-in service provided by OpenAI allows the model to be connected to applications that may be developed by third parties. These plug-ins enable the models to interact with developer-defined APIs, and this process can ...
48ChatGPT镜像1:1复刻官方,功能一模一样。🔗 493AM註冊後完全免費無限制使用GPT...🔗 50海鲸AI多模型聚合平台,支持GPT3...🔗 51Gnomic智能体平台🔑🔗 52 ChatWeb✈️🔗 53dongstop.link😄🔗 54aibusx.com🔑GPT4,MJ,DELL,艺🔗 55...
This was last updated in December 2024 Continue Reading About What is ChatGPT? 12 key benefits of AI for business GitHub Copilot vs. ChatGPT: How do they compare? Exploring GPT-3 architecture How to detect AI-generated content ChatGPT vs. GPT: How are they different? Related Terms What...