Many users reported that ChatGPT is not working for them, and this can be a big problem and prevent you from getting the information you need. Sometimes, server issues or high traffic can cause this problem. Connection problems or browser bugs can also lead to this issue. Before we try mo...
ChatGPT处于满负荷报错 在尝试访问服务时,如果你面临 “ChatGPT is at capacity right now” 的错误,这意味着服务器无法处理更多来自用户的请求。由于流量很大,系统会抛出这个错误以减少服务器的负载。同样,如果你遇到这个错误,你不需要在你的设备上修复任何东西。你只需要等待一段时间,然后在以后尝试访问ChatGPT。还...
修复1:等待并刷新ChatGPT “ChatGPT is at capacity right now”错误通常不会持续太久。根据我们的经验,您只需等待几分钟就可以再次开始使用该网站。在此期间,您可以不断刷新web浏览器,以便在网站可用时访问该网站。您还可以选择在站点备份时接收通知的选项。这个选项可以在错误页面上找到。修复2:在非高峰时段使...
Another way to solve the issue of ChatGPT not working on your iPhone is to make sure your internet connection is always stable. Many apps and websites, including ChatGPT, require a strong and stable internet connection to function properly, so make sure your Wi-Fi or cellular connection is ...
Hi everyone, ChatGPT hasn’t been working for me for the past 2 days: it is “unable to load history” when i type something and hit return, it doesn’t register the query and either erases it or go to the next line if i …
chatgpt is at capacity right now报错解决方法: 一般有这个提示不会限制你的使用,出现这种情况都是因为在线的人数太多了才出现的。可以试试以下方法: 1. 避免高峰期使用: 没办法,谁让使用的人这么多,全世界的人都在用,服务器受不了。据说北京时间白天的时段相对使用量低一些。
chatgpt is at capacity right now意思是chatgpt现在已经满员了,也就是挤爆了才会出现的提示,表示chatgpt已经满负荷运行了。 一般出现这种情况都是因为在线的人数太多了才出现的,而且有这个提示也不会限制你的使用。 如果您无法访问 OpenAI 网站,可以尝试以下步骤: ...
“ChatGPT is incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness,” tweeted OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman shortly after the chatbot’s release, adding that it is “a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now.” ...
rebut /rɪˈbʌt/ 表示“反驳;驳斥;驳回”,英文解释为“to argue that a statement or claim is not true”举个🌰:She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice. 面对指控,她反驳说她没有参与任何金融营私舞弊案...