我们选择了以下链接作为例子,https://36kr.com/p/2431022887129475 ChatGPT 4.0的效率令人震惊。在我们提供链接后,不到几分钟的时间,它就为我们生成了一份6页的PPT草稿。这份草稿已经包含了链接中的所有核心要点,整齐地排列在各个幻灯片中,每一页都清晰地展示了一个主题或关键信息。但这还不是最终版本。虽然ChatGP...
ChatGPT将为你的幻灯片生成Python代码,代码如下所示: frompptximportPresentation# 创建演示文稿对象presentation=Presentation()# 幻灯片 1 - 标题幻灯片slide1=presentation.slides.add_slide(presentation.slide_layouts[0])title=slide1.shapes.titletitle.text="Improving the Performance of a Machine Learning Algorit...
Title: “Introduction” Content: “Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! Today, I am delighted to present to you our topic, [Topic Title].” Slide 2: Title: “Agenda” Content: “Let’s take a look at the agenda for today’s presentation: Introduction Problem Statement Research Methodology...
我们不会提前准备任何内容,而是随机选择一个参考文件或新闻,让ChatGPT 4.0为我们提取其核心要点,并直接转化为PPT。 这种随机性的实验方式可以更真实地反映出ChatGPT 4.0在实际应用中的表现。毕竟,在真实的工作或学习场景中,我们往往需要处理各种不同的文档和资料,而不是事先精心准备好的内容。 无论它是什么,我们都...
人工智能大会·人工智能介绍·人工智能通用 clickheretoentertextdescriptionssuchascontentintroduction,datastatistics,eventanalysis,summaryandoverviewrelatedtothissubtitleorgraph.ChatGPT 目录 CONTENTS 01.点击添加标题02.点击添加标题 03.点击添加标题04.点击添加标题 点击输入您的文字内容或复制粘贴具体文本、用简明扼要的...
Using ChatGPT to realize PPT automatic generation and design innovation technology research (English and Chinese bilingual version high-quality documents) I. Introduction PPT (slides) is a tool widely used in the field of presentation and presentation, however, the traditional PPT design and generation...
I. Introduction With the rapid development of information technology, PPT documents have become an important tool for information transmission and knowledge sharing. However, the ensuing problem is how to quickly obtain the required information from a large number of PPT documents. The traditional manua...
I. Introduction As a commonly used presentation tool, PPT plays an important role in effectively conveying information and arousing audience interest. However, traditional PPT design methods are often limited by the designer's experience and imagination. This study aims to explore the use of ChatGPT...
PPT presentation behavior analysis and audience participation evaluation assisted by ChatGPT (high-quality documents in English and Chinese bilingual versions) I. Introduction With the widespread use of PPT presentations, the evaluation of presentation behavior and audience engagement is becoming more and ...
I. Introduction PowerPoint presentations are a widely used communication tool in academic, business, and other fields. However, making a high-quality PPT presentation requires a lot of time and energy, involving multiple links such as content creation, typesetting and design. In order to improve ef...