Create a highly detailed image showing the results of a realistic immunofluorescence assay(首先告诉Chatgpt所生成的图片是一张免疫组化结果). The image should depict a multitude of cells against a dark background. Each cell should have a distinct nucleus stained in bright blue, and the cytoplasm sh...
我们电脑里有一张小猫在公园里玩球的照片,我们希望Dalle3能产生跟这张照片相似风格的图片,于是我们在Default的GPT-4环境下,上传这张照片,并输入如下prompt: please help generate prompt for generating this image if using dalle3, please be more specific 在gpt-4的输入如下图所示: ChatGPT返回内容如下: "A...
The image should capture the intricate details of cellular structure and the specificity of immunofluorescence staining, evoking the sense of a scientific image taken under a high-powered fluorescence microscope(进一步强调免疫组化下的细胞结构要求). 以上的Prompt用七句话描述了一张免疫组化结果所具有的一般...
6. 运行代码 最后,您可以通过调用generate_image_chat()函数并传递您想要询问ChatGPT的文本进行测试。 例如,调用以下代码生成一个图片: “`python text = “请为我生成一张山水画” generated_image = generate_image_chat(text) print(generated_image) “` 这样,您就可以使用ChatGPT生成图片了。根据您的需求,...
机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩...
Microsoft's efforts to advance in AI have accelerated with the growth of the best technology-ChatGPT image generator, which integrates ChatGPT with VFMs.
接口我是用.net 7 webapi开发的。 接口: [HttpPost] public async Task<ApiResult<ImagResponse>> GenerateImage([FromBody] ImagForm form) {returnawait _iGptImage.GenerateImage(form); } publicclassImagForm{publicstringPrompt { get;set; }
机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。 再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩球的图...
hint="Enter your query to generate image"android:padding="5dp"android:textColorHint="@color/white"app:hintTextColor="@color/white"><"@+id/idEdtQuery"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="match_parent"android:...
机器之心也试了一下,首先输入文本提示「generate an image of a river flowing through a valley」(生成一张河流穿过山谷的图像)(最左),之后的提示中依次加入「make it more spectacular」(更壮观一点)(后三张)。 再试另一个文本提示「generate an image of some cats playing balls」(生成一张猫咪们玩球的图...