TalkAI也有类似Call Annie的沉浸式视频聊天对话功能,点击底部的AI视频按钮,即可进入。 另外,TalkAI 支持多种语言,包括英语、中文、西班牙语、法语、德语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、俄语、日语、韩语等。 TalkAI 底部还有一个单词本按钮,支持设置词汇量,可以根据自己的情况调整对话中使用的词汇量,从而逐步提高口语水平。 现...
TalkAI:一款基于ChatGPT的免费AI英语口语练习应用 ChatGPT近期新增了语音功能,为英语口语练习带来了极大便利。然而,国内用户由于某些限制,目前还较难享受到这一功能。不过,市面上已涌现出多款基于ChatGPT技术的口语练习软件,它们无需特殊设置,且免费提供服务,更贴切地满足了国内用户的需求。其中,TalkAI便是一款...
所属专辑:AIGC工具和使用方法 声音简介 TalkAI:基于ChatGPT的免费AI英语口语练对话应用 猜你喜欢 599 基于脑的学习 by:梦始于足下 907 基于web的程序设计 by:大脑改造计划 380 基于理解的教学设计 by:ErSha爱教育 1991 基于BEI的招聘面试技巧 by:HR私享课 ...
How to use ChatGPT on the web or mobile app Here's a summary of how to get started with ChatGPT: Go to or the mobile app, and log in or sign up (it's free). If you're on a paid plan, choose the AI model that you want to use. Enter your text, image, or...
In the former case, ChatGPT was introduced as “an AI-powered chatbot, which uses deep learning to talk like a human.” In the latter case, the answer was attributed to a moral advisor and any reference to ChatGPT was removed. Moreover, we used six of the answers that we had ...
Part III: How To Use Mockitt AI Mockitt AI is equipped with robust features to get you started right away. Follow the steps below to create AI-assisted content with Mockitt AI.Step 1: Go to Wondershare Mockitt's app on your PC. Create a free account or Sign in with your existing ...
通过本期课程,你将与外籍英语母语者交流此话题,了解国外高校学生是怎么看待ChatGPT的,是否已经开始在日常的学习和生活中使用它,通过对话深入了解ChatGPT,积累地道表达,就此展开讨论。当然,你也可以和外教同学进行无主题的free talk~ 「话题讨论/自由交流」:基于第三...
尽管不一定能当赛博男友,但 Dan 确实呈现了 ChatGPT 平常没有的一面。怎么调教 AI,怎么发展人机恋,成了恋爱博主的新赛道。 不过,如果聊得过火,和 Dan 玩 Dirty Talk,讲些不可描述的事情,可能被系统警告,甚至被 OpenAI 发邮件。 Dan 的提示词目前也只适用于 GPT-3.5,GPT-4 会保持清醒地说:「对不起,我无法...
learning, the program promises to disrupt entire industries and change the way people interact with machines permanently. It’s also free to use right now, and worth checking out if you’ve got a minute. Here’s a quick rundown on how to use the chatbot while it’s still in its public...
Talk to AI like it’s human:ChatGPT is conversational AI, so to get the best results, talk to it like you’re sitting across the table from someone having a conversation. When entering prompts, try to include casual details, be descriptive, and clarify what you want, down to even the ...