选择右上角的 「Create a free account」 1.2 选择免费套餐 1.3 选择邮箱后缀,设置用户名和密码 推荐选择 1.4 通过真人检验,跳过手机验证 依次拖动验证码,然后设置显示的名称,跳过手机验证。 注册完后,可以去登陆邮箱,方便接收验证码: 二、注册 OpenAI 账号 ...
Proton官网: 进入Proton官网首页,选择右上角的「Create a free account」: 选择免费套餐 选择箭头指向的「Get Proton for free」: 选择邮箱后缀,并设置用户名和密码 这里建议选择「」后缀: 进行真人验证 将图块拖动到正确位置完成验证: 设置显示的名称:(用于代替真实姓名的名称,通常...
If you want to get access to the ChatGPT-4 OpenAI plus service, then we have a detailed discussion on how to get it and give you the list of free accounts having the login ID and password. We have also told you the key use cases and the queries you may have in your mind, so wi...
1.1 进入Proton官网 Proton官网 选择创建一个免费的账号(右上角Create a free account)...
② ChatGPT 4.0是收费的,必须开通plus会员才可以用,plus会员每月20美元,相当于人民币140元左右;...
CHATGPT PLUS ACCOUNTS Price per account / month 9.99€ Contact : Discord 03/31/2023, 20:31#2(?) TheGandalf elite*gold: 276 The Black Market:8/0/0 Join Date: Oct 2013 Posts: 104 Received Thanks: 10 I am interested in an account, I can pay with PSC or Egold. is this possible?
We’ve updated performance of the ChatGPT model on our free plan in order to serve more users. Based on user feedback, we are now defaulting Plus users to a faster version of ChatGPT, formerly known as “Turbo”. We’ll keep the previous version around for a while. ...
How to delete your account in the ChatGPT iOS app? How do I obtain my ChatGPT Plus invoice if I subscribed from the Apple App Store? Android app Common questions about the ChatGPT Android app ChatGPT Android app - FAQFrequently asked questions about the ChatGPT Android app ...
GPT-4是OpenAI最近推出的一个 “多模态 “语言模型。用户可以通过订阅ChatGPT Plus(费用为20美元/月),或者加入API的等待名单并购买令牌来利用这一先进的语言模型。 由于这两种方法都是付费的,这引起了用户对如何免费使用GPT-4的疑问。 好吧,你不可能免费使用它。GPT-4是一个 “多模态”,要访问这个语言模型,你...
我续费plus以后还..我30号plus过期了,但现在我付款付了三遍,还是显示free plan,用不了plus的功能。发邮件也不回