Project Plan 365is cloud-enabled for work with all thepopular cloud services, such asGoogle Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDriveand more. Project Plan 365also connects toSharePoint, Microsoft Project Server and BaseCamp. You can even useProject Plan 365 via the web, making sure that wherever you ...
据BusinessInsider 报道,亚马逊正在改进其网站和应用程序上的搜索体验,以融入更具对话性、更深入和个性化的生成式 AI 功能。 该项目代号为「Project Nile」,旨在在亚马逊现有的搜索栏之上增加人工智能功能,实现即时产品比较、获取更多产品细节及评论,并根据用户搜索内容和个人购物数据提供推荐。 知情人士称,新的搜索原定...
其官网显示,AltpaceVR未来的工作重点是为混合现实协作平台(Microsoft Mesh)提供支持,专注于打造工作场所的虚拟现实体验。来源:AltpaceVR推特据科技媒体WindowsCentral报道,微软还解散了混合现实工具包MRTK(Mixed Reality Tool Kit)的开发团队。MRTK负责搭建虚拟现实平台框架,能够帮助开发者开发跨平台MR(混合现实)应...
Even though language is the most intuitive way for us to express our intentions, we still rely heavily on hand-written code to control robots. Our team has been exploring how we can change this reality and make natural human-robot interactions possible usingOpenAI(opens in new tab)‘s new A...
没想到,字节的大模型项目是被这样曝光的。上周末,有外媒报道称,字节跳动在使用 OpenAI 技术开发自有大语言模型时,因违反 OpenAI 服务条款从而遭账号禁用。据 The Verge 报道,字节跳动内部正在研发的大语言模型项目名为「种子计划」(Project Seed)。由于训练大模型需要大量问答知识,该项目被曝出一直在秘密使用 ...
OpenAIfor creatingChatGPT🔥 I run theChatGPT Hackers Discordwith over 8k developers – come join us! License MIT ©Travis Fischer If you found this project interesting, please considersponsoring meorfollowing me on twitter 简介 ...
Please use the above 10 idioms to create a paragraph for me to remember them eaily ChatGPT搞这种串联编故事的操作非常得心应手。你可以看到,ChatGPT很快就把这10个Idiom串联成了一篇小文章,我数了一下,一共156个词,就把这10个玩意串起来了。 这种串联记忆的方法,我在自己主页置顶的那篇过万赞回答中也...
Extract from the transcript the most relevant segments for the answer, and then answer the question. {{/user}} {{#assistant~}} {{gen 'answer'}} {{~/assistant~}}''') ChatGPT 给出了如下答案: 虽然这个回答是合理的,但 ChatGPT 并没有提取任何对话片段作为答案的支撑(因此不符合测试者设定的规...
描述 You can BUILD Your Own ChatGPT Brain! Export your Chats and use Dark Mode! This free MSEdge extension returns results from ChatGPT depending on your commands, asks, text and prompts in fast and easy way. #️⃣ Control GPT brain #️⃣ Get answers for your questions / que...
he worked for Microsoft Search as a research manager and principal researcher, contributing for developing a number of offerings such as Windows, Office, Xbox, Kinect, Skype for Business, Office Lens. As a specialist in computer vision and graphics, Zhang was named a recipient of the 2013 Helmh...