Use the fork button in the upper right corner of the page to fork this project; Choose and deploy in Vercel again, please see the detailed tutorial.Enable Automatic UpdatesIf you encounter a failure of Upstream Sync execution, please manually sync fork once.After...
Choose and deploy in Vercel again,please see the detailed tutorial. Enable Automatic Updates If you encounter a failure of Upstream Sync execution, pleasemanually update code. After forking the project, due to the limitations imposed by GitHub, you need to manually enable Workflows and Upstream Sy...
Definition Given by ChatGPT in ONLYOFFICE Docs Translate– This tool lets you translate the selected text into different languages with a click. As for now, that chatbot supports English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and some other languages. List of languages supported by ChatGPT ...
MaterialselectionisbasedontheEnglish-ChineseMedicalConference InterpretationTutorialpublishedbyTsinghuaUniversityPressin2023,including fourChinese-to-EnglishandfourEnglish-to-Chinesepassages,with8132and6916 charactersoforiginalmaterialsrespectively,coveringtopicsincludinglungcancer, multiplemyeloma,gastriccancer,immunology,cardi...
Thanks to itsRLHFfine-tuning feature,ColossalChatis bilingual in both English and Chinese, enabling a variety of features like general knowledge tests, email writing, algorithm development, and ChatGPT cloning methods. To provide a high-performance, user-friendly conversational AI experience, this tool...
1. 介绍(Introduction)目前,已经有很多关于提示(prompt)的文章,例如“30个每个人都必须知道的 Prompt”,这些文章大多聚集于使用 ChatGPT 的 Web 界面( prompt Web UI),许多人正在使用 Web 界面完成特定…
1. 灵活性 与传统的英语学习方法相比,ChatGPT 具有很高的灵活性。你可以随时随地与 它进行对话,不受...
关于DeepSpeed的发布博客见: ,官方也比较贴心的提供了中文版本: 。 0x1. 🐕 概述和BenchMark细节🐕...
Last Post:Teaching Kids Programming - Split With Minimum Sum (Sort the Digits, Greedy) Next Post:Can the Kids Beat This Simple Chinese Chess AI? The Permanent URL is:ChatGPT Designs a Health Check Tool in Node.Js to Run on Free VPS Instance...
Use the fork button in the upper right corner of the page to fork this project; Choose and deploy in Vercel again, please see the detailed tutorial.Enable Automatic UpdatesIf you encounter a failure of Upstream Sync execution, please manually sync fork once.After...