《Chinese tech firms eye ChatGPT-style bot as move kicks off new round of AI race in the world》ChatGPT, OpenAI's highly-regarded chatbot, is making a splash worldwide and has been stirring up excitement within the Chinese AI community recently. Discussing its "impressive yet imperfect ...
利用ChatGPT促进跨文化交际能力的培养(英文中文双语版优质文档).pdf,利用 ChatGPT 促进跨文化交际能力的培养(英文中文双语 版优质文档) Using ChatGPT to Promote the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence (English and Chinese bilingual version of
第一步,构建一个 prompt dataset,包含大量提示文本,对 GPT-3 进行监督学习微调。 第二步,对第一步微调后的 GPT-3 进一步推理 prompt dataset 任务,获得多个结果,交给人工进行标注排序,用标注的结果训练一个奖励模型(reward model),用于接下来校正 GPT-3 的输出结果。在这一步中,OpenAI 雇用了 40 个外包公司进...
GPT-1 是一种生成式预训练语言模型,2018年6月由OpenAI 在Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training这篇论文中提出。该模型的训练分为两个阶段:第一阶段是无监督地用语言模型进行预训练,第二阶段是有监督地用微调的方法解决下游任务。GPT-1 在文本分类、文本蕴含、语义相似度、问答等多个下游任务...
Using ChatGPT to Promote the Cultivation of Intercultural Communication Competence (English and Chinese bilingual version of high-quality documents) In recent years, the process of globalization has been accelerating, and the cultivation of intercultural communication skills has become an issue that people...
generation of NLP paradigms, domestic language acquisition theories represented by “continuation of theory”, and the practical foundation of CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning) models, the ChatGPT technology is necessary...
其他的任务的处理过程是类似的,主要在于提示语有所区别。在处理词性标注时,是在句子后面添加提示语“Its POS is”,然后就按照语言模型的方式生成词性标注结果。在处理翻译的时候,是在句子后面添加提示语“Its Chinese Translation is”,然后语言模型会预测输出“我真的喜欢这部电影”。
ChatGPT, OpenAI's highly-regarded chatbot, is making a splash worldwide and has been stirring up excitement within the Chinese AI community recently. Discussing its "impressive yet imperfect performance", some industry players also raised a question: How far are we from a ChatGPT designed by a...
论文地址:CPM: A large-scale generative Chinese Pre-trained language model - ScienceDirect 模型结构:基于Transformer的自回归模型,GPT类结构; 训练数据:100G中文语料; 改动点:较GPT3采用更大的batch_size。 OPT OPT-175B是Meta AI在2022年5月3日发布的一款开放模型,是模型参数超过千亿级别的开放模型之一。相比...