Something went wrong.If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at {“cf_details”:”This request is invalid.Try again later.”) ChatGP客户端载入不出来。进入 Settings 显示 Email Missing!。 代理节点更换,因为IP可能不行,比如腾讯云这类服务IP不行 针对openai...
可以正常登录 ChatGPT iOS 客户端,但是在给 ChatGPT 发消息时,ChatGPT 那里一直加载中,之后报错 {“cf_details”: “This request is invalid.”},点击下方的“Retry”重试也没有用,甚至退出客户端,重新登录,依然会报同样的错误。 ChatGPT iOS 客户端报错 "cf_details": "This request is invalid." 其实这...
2. You will add additional details and criteria such as genre, mood, BPM, etc. 3. Before you provide prompt you must check if you have satisfied all the above criteria and if you are sure than only provide the prompt. 4. Ensure the prompt is detailed and adheres to the guidelines. ...
ChatGPT is, quite simply, the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the general public. It was built by OpenAI, the San Francisco A.I. company that is also responsible for tools like GPT-3 and DALL-E 2, the breakthrough image...
If you get HTTP 400 Bad Request error, it means that your conversation's length is more than GPT/Codex models can handle. Or you supplied an invalid argument via customized settings. If you encounter persistent issues with your queries Try Genie: Reset session to clear your session/conversation...
今天OpenAI 宣布推出 ChatGPT 4,ChatGPT Plus 用户在今天就能体验到。 OpenAI 称它是「最先进的系统,能生产更安全和更有用的回复」。 和上一代相比,GPT-4 拥有了更广的知识面和更强的解决问题能力,在创意、视觉输入和长内容上表现都更好了。 用在创意项目上,它能帮助用户一起创作歌曲、编写剧本或...
3月 21 日,在机器之心举办的 ChatGPT 及大模型技术大会上,中国人民大学高瓴人工智能学院教授、博士生导师卢志武发表了主题演讲《ChatGPT 对多模态通用生成模型的重要启发》。 以下为卢志武教授在机器之心举办的 ChatGPT 及大模型技术大会上的演讲内容,机器之心进行了不改变原意的编辑、整理: ...
40.What is the biggest cause of our e-waste problem? 41.How can people get tax deductions when managing e-waste? 42.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why. ...
Like most foreign websites and applications, ChatGPT is technically unavailable in China thanks to the country’s “Great Firewall,” which censors the internet for residents. But determined individuals can gain access via commonly available “virtual private network” software that bypasses the fire...
ChatGPT iOS 客户端报错 "cf_details": "This request is invalid." 其实这个问题的原因依然是 IP 的问题(并不是 ChatGPT 账号被封了用不了了),你使用的 IP 的网络与 ChatGPT 客户端的连接出现了问题,所以才报了这个错误,连不上 ChatGPT iOS 客户端,自然也用不了了。你可以在同样的网络环境下,试试能...