这就是ChatGPT的用武之地。给它一个像“为这篇博文写几个吸引眼球的标题[文章内容](Write several compelling headlines for this blog post [TEXT OF THE POST])” 的提示,它就可以生成一些非常吸引人的标题。 我最近一篇关于啤酒品鉴的文章,原标题是“Canyon Club酒厂啤酒品鉴评论”。 ChatGPT将其改为了 “...
Write a 1500-word blog post about [insert topic here]. Optimize the post with the words [insert topic here]. Include a clickbait headline that starts with the words [insert topic here] and includes a number and a power word. Include subheads with the H2 tag. Include a unique perspective...
In this post we share all the key ChatGPT statistics, including userbase size, running costs, projected revenue, OpenAI's net worth and more.
ChatGPT is a conversational software that uses three advanced models called generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) to generate text and code based on user input. These models have been trained on vast amounts of text data from various sources like books, social media, websites, and Reddit d...
In a blog post announcing the development, Google Play said that it would give verified badges to those consumer-facing VPNs that ‘prioritize user privacy and safety’. To earn the verified badge, VPN providers would have to ensure that they adhere to Google ...
https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTJailbreak/ https://github.com/0xeb/gpt-analyst/ Prompts directory structure README The sharing of these prompts was intended purely for knowledge sharing, aimed at enhancing everyone's prompt writing skills and raising awareness about prompt injection security. I ...
However, for generating complex summaries, you'll need to add a bit of creativity to your prompts. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to summarize articles within minutes. 1. Using TLDR TLDR (Too long; didn’t read) is an acronym used amongst the writing community to...
本文由AI Chatgpt和Claude 2创作,可以看到,虽然Chatgpt已经很智能,但是在一些方面需要更好的提示词(prompts) 才能发挥出他的作用,比如最后关于电商的文章就写的很一般,看起来不太专业。跟着我们来一起在跨境电商行业使用AI,打败对手! 发布于 2023-07-21 22:56 赞同添加评论 分享收藏喜欢收...
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🔥 | r/ChatGPTPromptGenius/ - Subreddit for sharing and discovering GPT prompts. r/chatgpt_promptDesign/ - Focused on designing effective ChatGPT prompts. r/PromptEngineering/ - Subreddit dedicated to prompt engineering discussions. r/PromptDesign/ - Community for prompt design. r/GPT_jailbreak...