1. Clear your browser's cache and cookies. 2. Turn off any VPN if you're using one. × 关掉VPN(但是这样也就不能用了呀) 3. Try using an incognito window or a different browser or computer to check if the issue remains. Sometimes browser extensions, especially those for security, can ...
虽然看起来差不多,但左侧原本应该有的之前的chat记录都消失了,发送任何东西都会提示“something went wrong”。不过,手机app还能正常使用。有没有人和我一样遇到这个问题?你们都是怎么解决的?🤔更新:把电脑里的VPN打开连接了一下又关上退出,然后页面又能用了(人在澳洲可以裸连)。 二更:断网重连WiFi后也能用了...
安装完成后进入app,输入账号密码登录,但尝试了好几次也登录不上去。输入完密码后如下图所示,一直提示Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. 尝试了好几次也不能登录 开始...
无法使用chatgpt app,换v2rayN同一个节点正常使用chatgpt 日志 错误提示:Something went wrong. You may beconnected to a disallowed ISP. If you areusing VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try adifferent Wi-Fi network or data connection.Author imaqine commented May 26, 2024 发现网页端可以使用chatgp...
Poor VPN performance Complications due to specific platforms or services ChatGPT is integrated with requiring user authentication or authorization ISP block. Another error you might encounter is “Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP.” ...
Side note,shame on whose in charge of error messages generated in Cloudflare’s end. If you detect that I’m on a VPN and decide to ban it, what use is there to say “try again later”? It’s not like the IP address of my VPN would change ...
Something went wrong. Please make sure your device’s date and time areset properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. (code: 86613C65-0FCB-4844-8191-D620685D6037, API.D...
继续访问 百度贴吧 聊兴趣 上贴吧 打开 chrome浏览器 继续 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 chatgpt吧 关注12W chatgpt账号吧 关注3067 chatgpt吧 v好v冠军教父 求助这该咋办呢一直都好好的,但是校园网和vpn有点冲突,好像出了点问题,就这样了 分享11赞 chatgpt吧 人员村委会 求助Something went wrong....
点开就是,https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8261897-chatgpt-android-app-sign-in-error-something-went-wrong-with-code-17-error,电话权限页面 Subdue0commentedNov 27, 2023 亚马逊的云主机,免费1年的,用来建梯子不错的,但是IP是不解锁的,我应该怎么搞呢?套warp是不是还要在搞台机器?
可以生成高质量的自然语言文本,并且可以执行各种任务, 分享回复赞 chatgpt吧 奥马哈滩的大头兵 求助ios移动版gpt怎么开中文 分享1赞 chatgpt吧 踩死蚂蚁都流泪 用android chatgpt app时,在不使用也不开魔法时要不要退出账号 分享72 chatgpt吧 永不消逝的小兵 请教一下,手机使用chatgpt显示:something went wrong....