对ChatGPT解答的行数或者字数做出限制。如果输出的是代码,限制行数比限制字数更管用一些。让它每次只显示前10-20行,然后是接下来的10行,直到结束来解决这个问题 14、OpenAI API - Access Terminated 帐户访问权限已被停用,可能是因为违反了的内容政策或使用条款 解决方法:进行申诉 申诉邮箱联系support@openai.com...
OpenAI ChatGPT API( text-davinci-003 )目前已被ban ,魔法全局可以。显示Failed to load response...
但它速度更快、重量更轻,并且适用于所有 ChatGPT 用户 - 免费版和增强版! 备注:WebChatGPT内嵌在ChatGPT页面,其与KeepChatGPT等内嵌插件会冲突,报错An error occurred ``Failed to fetch You can check the console for more details. (Ctrl+Shift+J) ChatGPT for Google img 在Google搜索的时候,同时使用Chat...
前端接收 类chatgpt 流数据,Fetch API接收"text/event-stream"数据流并且转成json 最近开发gpt相关的产品,要求和gpt一样逐字展示答案;需要处理“”text/event-stream"数据流;记录一下。(不会弄gif图,随便截屏两张效果图) connectEventSource() { let _this=this; fetch('你的接口', { method:'POST', header...
Docker 📌 Version 19.0 💻 Operating System Ubuntu 📌 System Version 20.04 🌐 Browser Chrome, Edge 📌 Browser Version 129.0 🐛 Bug Description It will appear on the third time I ask. { "error": true, "message": "Failed to fetch" ...
在服务端请求 openai api,并将 openai 返回的 response 传递给了 AIStream,AIStream 也需要更新一下。 // libs/ai-stream.ts export function AIStream(res: Response): ReadableStream { if (!res.ok) { throw new Error( `Failed to convert the response to stream. Received status code: ${res.status}...
java.net.ConnectException:Failed to connect to api.openai.com/2a03:2880:f10c:283:face:b00c:0:25de:443] 当日我在这个问题上就踩了一个坑。 解决的办法很简单,只需要做以下调整—— 代码语言:javascript 复制 publicvoidsend1Msg()throws InterruptedException{System.out.println("开始提问题~");//需要...
It has settled on the API Key being incorrect but I have generated multiple ones and it still does not work. Here is the error I get in dev tools: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () index.html:132 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
ChatGPT API用户可以期待持续的模型改进,并可以选择专用容量来更深入地控制模型。我们还密切听取了开发...
The main API wrapper uses fetch directly.Usageimport { ChatGPTAPIBrowser } from 'chatgpt' async function example() { // use puppeteer to bypass cloudflare (headful because of captchas) const api = new ChatGPTAPIBrowser({ email: process.env.OPENAI_EMAIL, password: process.env.OPENAI_...