You exceeded yourcurrent quota, please check your plan and billing details 这是因为申请的免费api已...
openai.error.RateLimitError: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. 原因推测: 1.超过请求频次;2.超过账户当前额度 解决方案: 在限制速率内发送API 请求;给账户充钱或换一个有余额的api_key 3、APIConnectionError 报错信息: openai.error.APIConnectionError: Error comm...
1、以支持配额功能的方式挂载文件系统 除了内核和quota软件的支持以外,实施磁盘配额功能还有一个前提条件,即指定的分区必须已经挂载且支持磁盘配额功能。 在配置调试过程中,可是使用带“-o userquota,grpquota”选项的mount命令重新挂载指定的分区,以便增加对用户、组配额功能的支持。对于支持配额功能的文件系统,将在mount...
然而,在使用这个模型时,有时会遇到“You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing”这样的报错信息。这个报错通常意味着你已经超出了当前配额的限制,需要采取一些措施来解决。 首先,我们需要了解这个报错信息的含义。OpenAI/ChatGPT的使用是基于配额的,每个用户都有一定的配额限制,包括API调用...
按照设置一步一步进行的,也正确获取了api,但是总是报错:You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details。 搜教程都是直接展示如何具体在obsidian中使用,没有人讲如何设置。找到一个国外网站Stack Overflow给了解决办法:需要设置付款信息,但我还没用免费的额度。经查我的免费额度已经过...
Curated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota. awesomeawesome-listchatgptchatgpt-api UpdatedSep 26, 2024 ...
"error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.", "type": "insufficient_quota", "param": null, "code": null }} 翻译过来就是你的OpenAI账号没额度了,需要充值,毕竟ChatGPT3.5和ChatGPT4.0是付费版的。那如果还是想用这个学术润色功能怎么办呢...
401 - You must be a member of an organization to use the API 429 - Rate limit reached for requests 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details 429 - The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later ...
[429] You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details ChatGPT chatgpt jcvcbass December 15, 2023, 9:23pm 1 I´ve just upgraded to ChatGPT 4 but when I try to automate some other applications with chatGPT, I get that message even though I...