5. 提供进一步的支持或资源链接(可选) HTTP 状态码 429 解释 ChatGPT API 使用指南(请注意,此链接是假设性的,因为 ChatGPT 的具体 API 文档可能会随着时间和服务的更新而变化) 希望这些信息能帮助您解决遇到的 429 错误,并避免未来再次发生类似问题。如果您有其他问题或需要进一步的帮助,请随时提问。
当您在短时间内向服务器发出太多的请求时,ChatGPT会返回错误429。如果您使用OpenAI API来使用ChatGPT,这个错误意味着您已经超过了在特定时间内的最大请求数。为了确保公平使用,ChatGPT会抛出错误429。 ChatGPT在长回应时出现网络错误 顾名思义,网络错误意味着您在访问ChatGPT时可能有连接问题。基本上,您的设备无法正...
Was able to install and use it for simple requests, but when it takes a bit to formulate a response I get the error [ERROR] Error: ChatGPTAPI error 429 I was facing the same issue. I used new email address and password and it worked ...
I was very confused since I was unaware that API returns a 429 error, even when your trial API is expired. Even for personal use in a tool like VSCode? Unfortunately, that is correct. Or am I missing something? You were not aware that API is not part of your subscription, but it sh...
CODE OVERVIEW 401 - Invalid Authentication Cause: Invalid Authentication Solution: Ensure the correct API key and requesting organization are being used. 解释:认证错误,有可能是API key错误 401 - I…
14、OpenAI API - Access Terminated 帐户访问权限已被停用,可能是因为违反了的内容政策或使用条款 解决方法:进行申诉 申诉邮箱联系support@openai.com 主题行(标题) :“Deactivated User Appeal”,并附上重新激活您的帐户的理由。15、Only one message at a time Only one message at a time. Please allow ...
4、OpenAI's API is not available in your country 这个一般出现在邮箱或手机号验证时,说明这个国家或地区IP不适合用来登录OpenAI,换个其它IP试试。 5、Oops!, something went wrong 这个一般出现在注册页面,说明这个IP不行,换个其它IP试试。 6、Access denied, You do not have access to chat.openai.com ...
4、OpenAI's API is not available in your country 这个一般出现在邮箱或手机号验证时,说明这个国家或地区魔法不适合用来登录OpenAI,换个其它IP试试。 5、Oops!, something went wrong 这个一般出现在注册页面,说明这个魔法不行,换个其它魔法试试。
If you believe this is in error and would like to appeal, please contact support@openai.com 1. 2. 3. 账户被封,换账户 注意 不要在国内发起调用API 1. 2. 故障2 error, status code: 429, message: Your access was terminated due to violation of our policies, ...
401 - You must be a member of an organization to use the API 429 - Rate limit reached for requests 429 - You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details 429 - The engine is currently overloaded, please try again later ...