3、使用官方的 ChatGPTAPI 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 # 导入os和requests库importosimportrequests# 从环境变量中获取api密钥api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")# 定义请求的url和参数url="https://api.openai.com/v1/completions"params={"model":"text-davinci-003","pro...
ChatGPT是一种基于深度学习的技术的语言模型,它能够模拟人类的语言表达能力,并自动生成文本内容。在编程领域,ChatGPT可以帮助程序员自动完成代码编写,减少错误率,提高编程效率。比如,当你在ChatGPT中输入“实现一个简单的计算器”,它会自动生成一段Python代码,让你能够立即运行并使用这个计算器。 此外,ChatGPT还可以帮...
Prompt: I want to implement a function, it get the cloudflare R2 bucket directory to get the message file list, and then querey the database table to know if this file are sent to all user, that means there is a status filed to record if the message file is sent to all user, beca...
同时,许多公司和开发者也开始使用ChatGPT来解决自然语言处理问题,目前通过python使用ChatGPT的方法主要有3种: 1、第一种是使用 selenium和爬虫加强版代理IP,它可以让程序通过无头浏览器的方式与 ChatGPT 进行交互,具体参考前面的资料 2、使用终端代码访问: # 导入requests库importrequests# 定义请求的url和参数url='ht...
The best way to use ChatGPT is by simply asking it a question related to Python programming. Let’s say you are going to use the Numpy library for data analysis, but are unfamiliar with all the methods and attributes. You can read the documentation to get the answer. ...
I’m a big fan of some of the practices of XP (eXtreme Programming) and especially pair-programming. No matter what flavor of pair-programming that you prefer, it involves two engineers sitting down at the same screen and solving the same problem togethe
Python: The programming language of machine learning Free Intermediate Python Programming Crash Course Get the FREE ebook 'The Great Big Natural Language Processing Primer' and 'The Complete Collection of Data Science Cheat Sheets' along with the leading newsletter on Data Science, Machine Learning, ...
直觉来说,面向过程的编程 (procedure-oriented programming)跟人类逐步解决任务的过程很类似,面向对象编程 (object-oriented programming)跟人类将复杂任务分解为多个简单任务的过程很类似。 以上所有观察结果都是代码与推理能力 / 思维链之间的相关性。代码和推理能力 / 思维链之间的这种相关性对研究社区来说是一个非常...
Generate an Image with ChatGPT Using Python Image Library (PIL) Generate a GraphQL Name/Path with ChatGPT using Graphene Generate a Group by function with ChatGPT ChatGPT Use Cases: The Best Programming Tasks for ChatGPT Conclusions – Programming with ChatGPT Pros and Cons Next steps: Read ...
Integrate ChatGPT’s text and image generation capabilities into the respective web applications. Gain practical experience in building innovative web applications empowered by ChatGPT and Python programming Requirements Python 3(3.7.1+) Stable Internet Connection ...