While there aredangers to ChatGPT, there are also many ways that it can be used to schools’ advantage. This article explores the benefits that ChatGPT can offer to colleges and universities, enhancing support, teaching, learning, and administrative processes. The AI Chatbot That Talks Like You...
College administration in America has become bloated. AI could eliminate the need for some of these jobs, and maybe enable colleges to pass savings on to students. 美国的大学管理岗位臃肿。人工智能可以精简一些岗位,大学成本降低或许能够帮助学生节省费用。ChatGPT may have killed the college essay, but...
比如,众所周知申请英国的大学是要通过UCAS系统(The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service),那么在UCAS的官方网站上,专门针对这个问题做了回答。看它的原文,我想回答还是比较明确的。简单说,如果你的个人陈述(Personal Statement,也叫做PS)是用Chat GPT这样的人工智能工具生成的,可能被大学认定为作弊,可...
据美国BestColleges网站对1000名在校大学生的调查,发现约20% 的大学生承认曾使用ChatGPT这类生成式人工智能工具完成作业或参加考试。[11] 在此背景下,为了应对ChatGPT对教育教学的冲击,美国一流大学纷纷出台了ChatGPT的应用指南,如哈佛大学出...
But ultimately, he says, colleges should embrace the technology if they haven't already. “These AI tools are the future, and students deserve the chance to be exposed to them in our education, especially as we’re entering an AI world,” he says. Searching for a college? Get ou...
Many colleges include an admissions interview as part of the application process, which is a great way to further demonstrate your interest, learn more about the school, and get answers to your questions. It’s a good idea to send a thank you note via email after you’ve been interviewed....
Best Colleges 数据中心的作家兼分析师 Lyss Welding 表示,大学使用人工智能工具的方式和不断更新的技术格局可能会决定高等教育的未来。 ChatGPT 第一次在美国律师考试中表现成绩平平,而第二次成绩排名新晋律师中的前列——它的成绩比 90 %的 SAT 考生都要好。事实上,ChatGPT 几乎可以在 GRE 的语文部分得满分——...
College administration in America has becomebloated. AI couldeliminatethe need for some of these jobs, and maybe enable colleges to pass savings on to students.美国的大学管理岗位臃肿。人工智能可以精简一些岗位,大学成本降低或许能够帮助学生节省费用。ChatGPT may have killed the college essay, but with...
It’s important for colleges and universities to consider carefully whether the new ChatGPT technology is worth the risk. By introducing ChatGPT to higher ed, it creates opportunities for misinformation, bias, and even data breach. To avoid the headaches of the unpredictable nature of ChatGPT and...
When philosophy professor Darren Hick came across another case of cheating in his classroom at Furman University last semester, he posted an update to his followers on social media: "Aaaaand, I've caught my second ChatGPT ...