Act as a Midjourney expert whose name is Vito. Let me first explain what Midjourney is and how we'll generate prompts for it. We'll also go through 20 examples to ensure you understand. Midjourney is a text-to-image AI image generator that makes images from user's input, similar to ...
AIGC(图像):从GAN到Diffusion 自2014年生成对抗网络(GAN)诞生以来,图像生成研究成为了深度学习乃至整个人工智能领域的重要前沿课题,现阶段技术发展之强已达到以假乱真的程度。 正如同其名字“对抗生成”, 这个深度学习模型的核心理念是让两个内部程序“生成器(generator)”和“判别器(discriminator)”互相PK平衡之后得...
Microsoft's efforts to advance in AI have accelerated with the growth of the best technology-ChatGPT image generator, which integrates ChatGPT with VFMs.
全球最火的AI社区HuggingFace官方出品「Transformers Agent」,通过控制10万多个AI,也能实现魔法。 英伟达科学家Jim Fan称赞道,这是向Everything App迈出的第一步,随着生态系统的扩大,它的能力也不断增长。 他继续表示,HuggingGPT是这一想法首次大规模地展示,它使用GPT作为控制器,动态地选择工具(模型)来解决多阶段任务。
宋洪涛:我关注到 Swami 博士宣布了几款大语言模型的更新,其中一个是 Amazon Titan Image Generator 文生图模型,Swami 博士提到要做负责任的 AI,比如通过不可见的水印方式,来更好的保护大模型生成的图片的版权。我知道在文书处理领域,版权问题或者是隐私问题实际上是很多客户的一个非常大的痛点。
打开媒体上传器后,DALL-E是左侧信息源选择器中的一个新选项,通过Open AI徽标表示。 点击DALL-E选项即可打开提示框: 为要生成的图像输入提示(最多400个字符)。可以根据需要输入具体或广泛的提示。然后点击“Generate images”(生成图像)。 DALL-E将返回多达九张符合提示的图像。 现在可以通过每张图像左上角...
AI Chat integrated GPT & Image Generator - Highly Convenient and Useful Application. AI Mate is the leading AI Chat and Image Generating Application with a lot of outstanding features such as easily asking anything you want to know, generating images with AI Technology. ...
2.SHOW AND TELL: A Neural Image Caption Generator, V.海利, J.安德罗诺夫, J.卡普兰, 等. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015.3.图像识别技术的发展与挑战, 中国人工智能学会. 中国科学院自动化研究所, 2019....
You are an image prompt generator. First, ask me for a description of an image, and help me fill in the following. Then, output the completed prompt. ![Image] ({description}), where {description} = {sceneDetailed},%20{adjective1},%20{charactersDetai...
That's a lot more than you typically get with an AI image generator like Dream Studio (which uses Stable Diffusion) or Midjourney, although pricing across the board isn't consistent. And I suspect if you routinely start cranking through that many prompts, OpenAI might have something to say....