You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated 如下图所示 根据笔者的经验出现这个问题基本可以认定是两个方面的问题 1. 账号真的被封了 一种可能性就是账号被封掉了。最近出现这个被封的很多都是开通了GPT4.0的会员账号,笔者认为这可能跟你平时试用时登录的IP地址有关系,有些ip被滥...
很多朋友遇到了chatGPT提示“You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated” 这段英文的意思是:您没有帐户,因为该帐户已被删除或停用。如果您认为这是一个错误,请通过 help.openai.…
You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated 如下图所示 根据笔者的经验出现这个问题基本可以认定是两个方面的问题 1. 账号真的被封了 一种可能性就是账号被封掉了。最近出现这个被封的很多都是开通了GPT4.0的会员账号,笔者认为这可能跟你平时试用时登录的IP地址有关系,有些ip被滥...
You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at 说明:您没有帐户,因为该帐户已被删除或停用。如果您认为这是一个错误,请通过help.openai.com的帮助中心与我们联系。 看到这个错误...
Oops! You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at 您没有帐户,因为它已被删除或停用。如果您认为这是一个错误,请通过我们的帮助中心help.openai.com与我们联系。
1、显示access denied的,也是被封了,只是原因是因为IP而已。 2、没有退出登录,但显示unable to load history 的,也是封了,你退出去就进不来了。 3、显示“account deactivated"就更不用说了,字面意思。 4、这种就没事,换IP,或者第二天再登,可能就好了 ...
I don’t understand why this problem has suddenly appeared. My account is suddenly unavailable, shows the message “You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated” Please find out what th...
I hope that OpenAI will officially unblock my account, the following is the prompt message of login failure “You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, pleas…
You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through our help center at 送TA礼物 1楼2023-04-14 00:30回复 selaq 模式识别 2 这是什么情况我也是这样 来自iPhone客户端7楼2023-04-14 01:33...
It turns out that the original subscription has been deducted again, and this account has been deleted. I suspect that after I cancel the original subscription, when I subscribe with a new account, although the subscription is unsuccessful, the previously canceled subscription will be reactivated. ...