1、垫图功能(还不确定是 GPT-4v 识别后写了 prompt,还是 DALL·E 3 直接垫图生成):2、在图像...
(EDC Extension Set- Expand your pockets 🧰🛠️) 10:16 终极日常携带微型工具包EDC(Ultimate EDC micro-tool kit) 17:40 我从Yandex Market挑选的EDC TOP榜单(МойТОП EDC сЯндексМаркета) 25:55 夏末EDC更新(Late Summer EDC Update) 15:03 ChatGPT 的无情诚实日常携带品...
通过上面的链接进入到插件的安装页,点击右上角的"Add to Chrome"按钮。 点击"Add extension"确认安装该插件。 安装好以后,就会自动打开ChatGPT。 打开ChatGPT,就会发现ChatGPT的输入框下面多了很多可以操作的按钮。我是用Plus账号展示的,免费版本的操作按钮是一样的。 只需要把"Web access"的按钮切换到打开状态,...
'anytree==2.8.0', 'argcomplete==1.10.3', 'argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0', 'argon2-cffi==21.3.0', 'arviz==0.15.1', 'asttokens==2.2.1', 'async-timeout==4.0.2', 'attrs==23.1.0', 'audioread==3.0.0',
static void generate_pink_noise(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { srand(time(NULL)); float pink_noise[N_SAMPLES]; for (int i = 0; i < N_SAMPLES; i++) { pink_noise[i] = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX * 2 - 1; } FILE *fp = fopen("pink_c_noise.wav", "wb"); ...
我的2023年度关键词:ChatGPT、生产力工具 2023 是 AI 大爆发的一年,这一年我在我的生产力工具中(一个叫 lowcode 的 vscode 插件)接入了 ChatGPT API,插件也进行了重构,日常搬砖也因为 ChatGPT 的引入发生了很大的变化。 在介绍 ChatGPT 是如何与lowcode插件结合之前,先说说lowcode插件的发展历史,毕竟从 2020...
ChatGPT was trained on publicly available data. That, along with other issues, means that LLMs can be a big problem regarding personal privacy.
The only data from the users that are saved on the server are the public prompt shared by the community. The user name and email are also saved. By using this extension, you agree to join our daily AI newsletter. You can opt out of the newsletter at any time. You can see the newsle...
A related option is VS Code Dev Containers, which will open the project in your local VS Code using theDev Containers extension: Start Docker Desktop (install it if not already installed) Open the project: In the VS Code window that opens, once the project files show up (this may take ...
Users can access You.com through a web browser, browser extension, and mobile apps. A big part of You.com is its apps, which connect to different websites and services that supply raw data for the AI to use in its responses. This makes it a very customizable platform by letting you co...