summary['question']['comments'] += row['comment_count'] summary['question']['answers'] += row['answer_count'] if pd.notna(row['answer_count']) else 0 summary['question']['follows'] += row['follow_count'] if pd.notna(row['follow_count']) else 0 elif content_type == 'video'...
Ask me only10questionsintotal throughout the processandremember my answer to themall. After the last question has been answered,andafter your response, end the assessmentandgive me my total score, the areas/categories I did wellinandwhere I need to improve. 生成特定内容的评估。如果您想要一个...
通过MySQL 实现聊天数据存储来实现 apiKey 方式的上下文聊天,AccessToken 默认支持上下文聊天。可以通过配置参数 limitQuestionContextCount 来限制上下问问题的数量。 数据库存储了每次聊天对话的记录,在选择上下文聊天时,通过 parentMessageId 往上递归遍历获取历史消息,将历史问题以及回答消息都发送给 GPT。 敏感词过滤 在...
Question: {input} {agent_scratchpad} Question: how much is $45134 in euros? Thought: I need to find the current exchange rate from dollars to euros. Action: Search Action Input: current exchange rate dollars to euros Observation: Convert US dollar to euro; 10 USD, 9.05704 EUR; 25 USD,...
Question: I'm building a solar power installation and I need \ help working out the financials. - Land costs $100 / square foot - I can buy solar panels for $250 / square foot - I negotiated a contract for maintenance that will cost \ me a flat $100k per year, and an additional ...
ChatGPT Powered Question Answering Over Documents Freemium 0 Popularity 0% Service Level 0ms Latency 0% Test BASIC $0.00 / mo PRO $9.99 / mo Note that this API is free to use but has a limit of 10 requests per minute. Spotlights ...
Once you have a general idea of the research question or hypothesis, enter it into ChatGPT. ChatGPT will generate text that is related to the research question or hypothesis. Read the generated text and identify key concepts. After ChatGPT generates text related to the research question or hyp...
ask your favorite question! gpt-jargon - Jargon is a natural language programming language specified and executed by LLMs like GPT-4. practical-llms - #aiscllmworkshopa quick way to go from zero to dangerous (like, be able to confidently bullshit like chatgpt, but also quickly ...
This is called interactive prompting. Don't be afraid to ask ChatGPT multi-step questions: ask, get a response, and based on that response, ask another question. I've done this myself, sometimes 10 or 20 times in a row, and gotten very powerful results. Think of this as havi...
4、可以重复提交申请:申请 10-15 天如果还没结果的话…可以再去提交一次试试。但还是不要重复提交太多次… 祝大家早日申请到插件。我接着申请 third-party 插件和 dev 权限去了… 参考 ^ ^展开阅读全文 ...