Older vintages might need very little decanting, just enough to remove the sediment. Chateau La Fleur Petrus offers its best drinking and should reach peak maturity between 10-30 years of age after the vintage. Serving Chateau La Fleur Petrus with Wine, Food, Pairing Tips ...
Chateau.com has selected some grand crus, great wines, rare vintages and old vintages, from the best of the vineyards. Discover another experience of the wine on Chateau.com !
The best vintages of Chateau Petit Villageare: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2012, 2010 and 2009. I have not had much luck with older vintages, but I admit, I seldom see them. My feeling is that the best wines from Petit Village are being made today. In...
花堡(Chateau Lafleur) 花堡(Chateau Lafleur)位于法国波尔多右岸的波美侯(Pomerol)产区,毗邻著名的帕图斯酒庄(Petrus),花堡也常被人们称为花庄。同波美侯产区其它的酒庄一样,花堡是没有评级的,但是这并不影响它在波美侯乃至法国顶级酒庄的地位。 1872年,时任乐凯堡(Chateau Le Gay)庄主的亨利·格瑞罗德(Henri...
关于“帕图斯之花酒庄红葡萄酒(Chateau La Fleur Petrus, Pomerol, France)”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 1989年 帕克团队 91 In the ongoing competition between the 1989 and 1990 vintages, in the case of La Fleur-Petrus, the 1989 comes out a clear winner. The dense plum/garnet color ...
In 2021, Chateau Lafleur-Gazin was sold to ETS. Moueix who as you probably already know are more than well-acquainted with Pomerol, as they already numerous neighboring vineyards including ChateauTrotanoy, ChateauLa-FleurPetrus, ChateauLatourPomerol and other famous estates in Pomerol and inSt. Emil...
克里纳城堡的历史可追溯至19世纪初。酒庄最开始由康斯坦特(Constant)家族掌管,后来帕图斯酒庄(Petrus)的所有者阿尔诺(Arnaud)家族买下了该酒庄,并将其命名为克里纳城堡…【详情】 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 梅洛(Merlot)典型香气:炎热气候:黑莓、黑李子、英国传统蛋糕、巧克力等;温和或凉爽气候:草莓、红浆果、...
花堡(Chateau Lafleur) 花堡(Chateau Lafleur)位于法国波尔多右岸的波美侯(Pomerol)产区,毗邻著名的帕图斯酒庄(Petrus),花堡也常被人们称为花庄。同波美侯产区其它的酒庄一样,花堡是没有评级的,但是这并不影响它在波美侯乃至法国顶级酒庄的地位。 1872年,时任乐凯堡(Chateau Le Gay)庄主的亨利·格瑞罗德(Henri...
The vineyards of Chateau Trotanoy are located on the west side of the Pomerol plateau. The Right Bank vineyard of Chateau Trotanoy is situated not far fromPetrusand ChateauLafleur.Le Pinis just to the southeast and north of that you can find 3 other Ets. Moueix chateaux; ChateauLatoura’ Po...
奥松酒庄 Chateau Ausone、柏菲酒庄 Chateau Pavie、金钟酒庄 Chsteau Angelus,加上新晋的飞卓酒庄 Chateau Figeac;后者虽然没有分级,但在这个珍馐产区每个酒庄出品都是精而少,有名镇一方的梅洛之王帕图斯 Petrus、价格不菲的里鹏酒庄 Le Pin,以及老色丹酒庄 Vieux Chateau Certan、花堡 Chateau Lafleur 等名气酒庄...