上一篇文章使用谷歌 Gemini API 构建自己的 Chat(教程一)我们介绍了Gemini是什么,以及如何使用Gemini构建一个多模态的聊天场景示例。这一篇我们使用langchain与Gemini集成构建应用: 将Langchain与Gemini集成 Langchain已成功将Gemini模型整合到其生态系统中,使用ChatGoogleGenerativeAI类。 启动该过程需要向ChatGoogleGenerative...
使用谷歌 Gemini API 与 langchain 结合构建自己的 ChatBot(二)_API_07 使用谷歌 Gemini API 与 langchain 结合构建自己的 ChatBot(二)_应用程序_08 脑洞大开,我们可以做一个这样找不同的程序了。🤪 使用Gemini API 创建一个 ChatGPT 我们玩够了 Gemini 后,使用Streamlit和Gemini构建类似ChatGPT的简单应用程序。
git clone https://github.com/md-akhlak/ChatbotWithGemini.git cd personal-chatbot Set up your API Key: Create a local.properties file in the root of your project directory. Add your Gemini API key to this file: GENERATIVE_AI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here Build and run the project: Open the...
CHATBOT_NAME = 'My Gemini AI' def __init__(self,api_key): self.genai = genai self.genai.configure(api_key = api_key) self.model = self.genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro') self.conversation = None self._conversation_history = [] # self.preload_conversation() def send_prompt(self, ...
Next.js AI Chatbot using ChatGPT (Open AI) and Gemini AI 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sURVSwGDQ_hNVUEa8p_cgw?pwd=ctb2 提取码: ctb2 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 --来自百度网盘超级会员v7的分享 去看看 UP主的推荐 ...
openai api key google gemini api key (free tier avaliable) Cross Platform Deployments It is possible to deploy LibreChat from RepoCloud to Railway.com see github.com/danny-avila/ To deploy LibreChat on Railway.com Similarly, it is also possible to deploy Anything-LLM on RepoCloud.io...
In comparison to ChatGPT, Gemini’s users state it feels more conversational and less text-oriented.Moreover, this Google AI chatbot lets you edit prompts after sending them and provides three drafts for each output. This lets you pick the most suitable version for your needs. You can also ...
GPT-4 turbo Google Gemini Only Today $250 $129 Buy now One-time paymentFree Version Demo Documentation We're sure that you'll love our WordPress ChatGPT ChatBot Plugin, but, if for some reason, you're not satisfied in the first 30 days of using our product, there is a money ...
On Chatfuel, you can create chatbots using either a template, a visual workflow builder, or an intuitive block builder. While the Whatsapp business API is free to use, Chatfuel is a premium chatbot platform that lets you send automated personalized messages to increase engagement, improve the ...
Gemini is an experimental chatbot based on LaMDA. LaMDA is a family of transformer-based neural LMs. They can generate plausible responses using safety filtering, response generation, knowledge grounding, and response ranking. Although Gemini is based on LaMDA, they are not the same. Both are tra...