但是在打印主题时,出现了一些我可以解决的问题解决。from nltk.chat.util import Chat, reflectionsfrom tkinter import *import reimport numpy as npsubjectAreaList = ["subject1","subjec2","subject3"] def listSubjectArea(): i = 1 for a in subjectAreaList: print(i,". ",a) i = i + 1 pai...
Module): def __init__(self, encoder, decoder): super(GreedySearchDecoder, self).__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder def forward(self, input_seq, input_length, max_length): # Forward input through encoder model encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(input_...
#PackpaddedbatchofsequencesforRNNmodule #因为RNN(GRU)需要知道实际的长度,所以PyTorch提供了一个函数pack_padded_sequence把输入向量和长度pack #到一个对象PackedSequence里,这样便于使用。 packed=torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(embedded,input_lengths) #通过GRU进行forward计算,需要传入输入和隐变量 #如...
Because you want to treatcleaneras a module and run the cleaning code inbot.py, it’s best to now refactor the code in the name-main idiom into a main function that you can then import and call inbot.py: Python 1# cleaner.py23importre45defclean_corpus(chat_export_file):6message_cor...
index_classes=dict(zip(classes_index.values(), classes_index.keys()))print('index_classes:{}'.format(index_classes))classclassifyModel(nn.Module):def__init__(self): super(classifyModel, self).__init__() self.model=nn.Sequential(
Module): def __init__(self,name): super(Attention,self).__init__() self.name=name if name not in ["dot","general","concat"]: raise ValueError(name,"Unsupported operation type!") elif name=="general": self.atte=nn.Linear(HIDDEN_SIZE,HIDDEN_SIZE) elif name=="general": self.atte...
Followed the following steps, as mentioned in ReadMe Installation Clone and navigate to chatbot directory. Install modules. pip install Flask pip install Google-Search-API Run the python server. python main.py After this step, I am seein...
File "/home/bizviz/DeepQA/chatbot/chatbot.py", line 33, in from chatbot.textdata import TextData ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'chatbot.textdata'; 'chatbot' is not a package BobCN2017 commented Jun 24, 2017 I meet the similar problem.I solve it by add the below sentences be...
First, we find the mapping between the index and module ID of the Intel Gaudi® processors through the “hl-smi” System Management Interface tool [9] and sample output of the mapping is shown in the link here.Similarly, we can use another “hl-smi” command to figure out NUMA ...
安裝python3 開發環境 安裝gensim – Topic Modelling in Python 安裝jieba 结巴中文分词 有已訓練好的中文詞向量,並根據檔案位置調整 Console class 的初始化參數。 import Chatbot.console as console c = console.Console(model_path='your_model') 如要使用 QA 模組,請先依照問答測試用資料集進行配置,或透過...