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For example, in a text-based model like GPT, a prompt about "space exploration" would steer the generation towards dimensions of the latent space associated with space, technology, exploration, etc.映射到潜在空间:模型解释提示并将其映射到潜在空间中由提示表示的特征占主导地位的区域。例如,在像 GPT...
升级你的ChatGPT体验 🌟: - 免费扩展 🔎 - 相关的网络结果 🌐 - 精确、最新的对话 📈 关键功能: - 查询网络结果 🔍 - 提取网页文本 📄 - 提示模板 📝 - 访问各种网站 🌍 注重隐私的🛡️: - 无服务器 🚫 - 无数据收集 📊 享受美丽而有吸引力的ChatGPT体验✨💬🎉!显示更多 无...
Click here to chat immediately and for free with a GPT chatbot at the cutting edge of artificial intelligence!
ChatGPT is not only fun to chat with, but it also searches information, answers questions, and gives advice. With consistent moral advice, it can improve the moral judgment and decisions of users. Unfortunately, ChatGPT’s advice is not consistent. Nonetheless, it does influence users’ moral...
上一张 Chat with GPT chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Chat with GPT chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 自定义所选文本的上下文菜单和 ChatGPT 提示 用于轻松自定义提示的 Chrome 扩展程序。 1. 在选项页面中,定义上下文菜单名称和chat-gpt提示符(多个) 2. 将您的 openai api 密钥添加到选项页面...
英伟达推出了自家版本的ChatGPT,名字很有GPU的味道——Chat With RTX。英伟达的这款AI聊天机器人和目前主流的“选手”有所不同。它并非是在网页或APP中运行,而是需要下载安装到个人电脑中。这波操作,不仅是在运行效果上会更快,也就意味着Chat With RTX在聊天内容上或许并没有那么多限制。网友们也纷纷对这一点...
Since OpenAI released ChatGPT, the discussion on its usage in education has been conducted by students and teachers of every education level. Also, many st
英伟达推出了自家版本的ChatGPT,名字很有GPU的味道—— Chat With RTX。 英伟达的这款AI聊天机器人和目前主流的“选手”有所不同。 它并非是在网页或APP中运行,而是需要下载安装到个人电脑中。 这波操作,不仅是在运行效果上会更快,也就意味着Chat With RTX在聊天内容上或许并没有那么多限制。
Generally, when working with GPT-3 models the prompts and responses are one-off. Therefore, if you want to ask follow-up or additional questions you have to find a way to embed it into the context of a prompt. With ChatGPT you can leverage the chat history as additional context. ...