11. 超狡猾 12. 谢谢, 再见 人工智能
Bing Chat 的核心技术是OpenAI的GPT-4,是ChatGPT的升级版,一款目前最先进的自然语言生成模型,它可以...
微软的人工智能,蛮有意思的,和微软小冰,小娜一样 不过bing一点都不谦虚,太狡猾啦~~~
Chat with Bing 最近忙中偷闲,在线查阅字典时,与Bing机器人聊天,权当做了一次免费的劳力,解闷之余顺便测试下引擎的AI水准。贴几张截图如下: 整体感觉,很有意思。尤其对于鹅(鸭)肝的答复,很有个性,为攻城狮点赞!inWuji,Shijiazhuang City,Hebei2020.03.01...
如何评价微软必应(bing)的chat with bing 人工智能聊天功能? - 24 个回答, 44 人关注 O如何评价微软必应(bing)的chat with bing ... (想看更多?下载 @知乎 App:S知乎 ) 如何评价微软必应(bing)的chat with bing 人工智能聊天功能? - 知乎 ...
ChatGPT works surprisingly well but has clear limitations. With the integration of the technology in Microsoft’s search engine Bing, users are making it their task to explore the limits. The result: very strange conversations. Microsoft started giving first users access to the enhanced chatbot fea...
Bing Chat, on the other hand, has the ability to pull from more recent web sources. It has also undergone additional training to make it more capable of following instructions and completing more nuanced tasks. What can you do with ChatGPT and Bing Chat?
Bing with ChatGPT will be placing a limit on users of 5 'turns' per session and 50 'turns' per day