deck.push('小王','小王','大王','大王');// 洗牌函数constshuffle =function(deck) {for(leti = deck.length-1; i >0; i--) {constj =Math.floor(Math.random() * (i +1)); [deck[i], deck[j]] = [deck[j], deck[i]]; }returndeck; }constshuffledDeck =shuffle(deck);for(leti =...
使用pytorch和GTP2生成文章标题 腾讯云开发者社区githubhttps文件存储 我制作了一个 csv 文件,其中包含我在 Medium.com 网站上使用 Parsehub 抓取的各种标签中最好的数据科学文章。csv 文件包含有关文章标题、使用的标签、作者、点在人数、回复数量等信息。该数据集可在 Kaggle 上获得,称为 Medium-Search-Dataset。
}this.currentPlayerIndex=this.findFirstPlayer();this.state=GameState.PLAYING;console.log(`第${this.round +1}轮开始!`);console.log(`${this.players[this.currentPlayerIndex].name}先行动!`); }// 寻找第一个行动的玩家findFirstPlayer() {letfirstPlayerIndex = -1;lethighestCardValue = -1;for(l...
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AI applications like ChatGTP and DALL-E 2 will cut the development time of mobile apps. You can now use ChatGPT within AppMachine to generate Titles, Content, App Store descriptions, and it can help you come up with ideas for logos and images. Use DALL-E 2 within AppMachine to generate...
chatgtp给人类带来的好处英语作文 全文共6篇示例,供读者参考 篇1 ChatGPT: A Friendly AI Assistant That Makes Life Easier Have you ever heard of ChatGPT? It's a really cool artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can help us with all sorts of things! My teacher introduced it to our class...