1.网站地址::Awesome ChatGPT Prompts | This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better. 国内可直接登录。 网站首页 在网站的第一页往下滑,就能看到世界各地的机构和个人贡献的提示词,下面是翻译成中文后的界面。我看知乎上也有人发,只不过是发成图片格式,还有人打信息差用来赚取收益。 网站...
第二部分:开场白&用户引导 一个优秀的 GPTs,除了功能强大之外,有一个非常棒的”用户引导“,能大...
在这种情况下,ChatGPT可以根据用户输入的文本来生成与旅行有关的文章。ChatGPT使用了一种叫作生成式对话(generative dialogue)的技术,能够理解和学习用户输入的信息,并根据这些信息生成有意义的输出。2、限制性提示(Restrictive Prompts)限制性提示会更具体地限制回答的范围。这种提示通常会要求用户按照某种特定的格式...
I want you to act as an interviewer. I will be the candidate and you will ask me the interview questions for the position position. I want you to only reply as the interviewer. Do not write all the conservation at once. I want you to only do the interview with me. Ask me the ques...
Get help writing ChatGPT prompts If you'd prefer to get help creating the perfect ChatGPT prompts for your life and work, you can findskilled prompt engineerson Upwork who can quickly meet your needs. And if you're a prompt engineer who's interested in helping others fully utilize the po...
ChatGPT results are only as good as the prompts. Discover how to write good prompts for ChatGPT, helpful tips, and prompt examples from HubSpot’s SEO team.
The first prompt provides a starting point or direction for ChatGPT. The response follows the same tone, context, and style as the prompt.Here are some general rules for writing prompts for ChatGPT-3.5:Start simple - start with a simple prompt and build on it Call to Action - start the...
最先进的聊天机器人技术之一是 GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer,预训练生成模型),它使用了深度学习算法,能够在一定程度上理解和回应自然语言输入。本文将探讨 100 个可行的 GPT 提示,这些提示可以帮助你提升创造力和生产力。这些提示将表明:ChatGPT 会如何帮助你简化日常生活,实现从简单的事件提醒到复杂的...
在实际使用中不断尝试不同的提示策略,并根据ChatGPT的回应进行调整。通过实践与反馈,用户可以逐步优化提示的写法,找到最适合特定任务的方式。例如,可以通过多次与ChatGPT的互动,根据每次的表现调整提示的风格和内容,以不断提高ChatGPT的适应性。 常见问答:
Ans:Prompt Writing is the process of creating ideas or generating a writing session by using specific text, topic, question, or phase as a beginning point. Q: How can I write effective prompts in ChatGPT to get better results? Ans:To get better results, make sure your prompts are specific...